Chapter 26

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26. Dinner with Wolves


I pulled into the driveway and parked the Volvo. Jasper and Alice slid out quickly and ran inside to check on Esme's status. I followed them in, smiling to see Esme in the kitchen, wearing an apron and surrounded by various ingredients. She was focusing on a cookbook and humming contentedly.

Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally…

I went to the living room. She was obviously in her element, and I wasn't going to disturb her.

You invited the dogs here? Rosalie looked deeply offended.

"This is important to our family, Rosalie. Their friendship could be the difference between life and death for us. Please don't ruin this."

She nodded at me in understanding. I'll make an effort, for the sake of the family.

"Thanks. Besides, they don't smell bad yet, so enjoy it while it lasts."

She wrinkled her nose, and I grinned.

"So, we get to mess with the dogs tonight, huh?" Emmett asked hopefully.

"No, they don't know anything yet. Wait a little bit, then we can all have fun."

Emmett looked disappointed, but he took it manfully.

"Jasper, we should hunt, after that incident at the track. Just to be safe," I suggested.

"What incident?" Carlisle inquired, entering the front door. Was there a problem? Esme came out of the kitchen to hear the news.

"One of the riders got hurt attempting a stunt. He dislocated his shoulder and was bleeding from a cut on his neck. Jasper was able to hold him still while I reset his arm into the socket. The best part was that the Quileutes witnessed the whole thing."

Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme were all staring at us in shocked surprise. Their minds were all doing some version of 'Wow!' Carlisle stepped forward, grabbing both Jasper and me in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you both. Congratulations! This is excellent news. We should celebrate!" he exclaimed emotionally. Jasper was overwhelmed with the love, pride, and happiness pouring out of Carlisle. Carlisle stepped back, and Esme rushed in to embrace us next. Her joy, love, and pride flooded Jasper. He was positively euphoric from all the admiration, regard, and respect he was receiving from his family members. I had never seen such radiance in his expression before. I heard his resolve harden to never harm another human. He was used to feeling pity, disappointment, and anxiousness from all of us. He never wanted to go back to that again. He was determined to continue earning our respect and admiration. I gave him a hug myself, projecting my understanding. We really hadn't been treating him fairly all these years. It was amazing that it took a human to show us the error of our ways, but I was very thankful she did. I knew Jasper would do just about anything for her now, as she was the impetus for his current high.

"Well, we kind of are celebrating, in a way. The boys are all joining us for dinner tonight," Alice volunteered.

"Ah, I was wondering about all those awful smells coming from the kitchen. Oh, no, I suppose we are going to have to eat that disgusting stuff withthem," Carlisle groaned. Esme reached back to smack his arm. "No offense, honey. I'm sure you are a wonderful cook, for humans. I've just been around so long, I don't even remember human food ever tasting good."

We laughed at him. "Yeah, I bet the dinosaur meat was rather tough, huh?" Emmett teased. Carlisle rolled his eyes and went off to his study, muttering under his breath something along the lines of 'I brought you into this world and I can take you out again.' We kept laughing. Poor Carlisle. Sometimes he just gets no respect.

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