Chapter 29

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29. Bold and Beautiful


"Okay, we need to be proactive here to accomplish our goal of peace and unity. We need to make friends with Jared, Kim, Leah, and Seth. We need to get them on our side before it's too late. If we wait, they will be brainwashed by the whole enemy propaganda, and it will be that much harder for them to form an unbiased opinion on the matter. Once we have them on our side, Jacob's sister can manage Paul, and that just leaves Sam. I was thinking about how we might reach him, to show him how the Cullens are different from the monsters in the legends, how they are people who care about others. I know the way to Sam's heart is through Emily, because she is his imprint, and he would do anything for her."

"Wait a minute," Jacob interrupted. "Emily is Sam's imprint? I thought you said imprinting was a good thing. Look at all the pain it has caused to Leah, Sam, and Emily. How can you say it's good?"

"It is good in that you find your true soul mate. Leah and Sam loved one another, but they didn't belong together. Their relationship would have eventually failed for one reason or another. At least they found out before they got married. However, ideally, you wouldn't get involved in a serious relationship, knowing you will one day imprint. You would know you would one day leave whoever you were with to be with the one you love, so you wouldn't put yourself into a position to cause the kind of heartbreak Leah has had to suffer. Sam unfortunately made commitments to Leah before he became a werewolf. This is the warning to the rest of you. Date if you want, but don't make any promises to any girl, because your heart is not your own to give. It already belongs to somebody you simply haven't found yet."

"Well, that kind of sucks, don't you think? That we have no say so in whom we love?" Jacob griped.

"Honestly, Jake, it's that way for everyone. They just don't realize it. Regular humans can't command their hearts to love or not to love any more than you can. Unfortunately, because they don't have something as obvious as an imprint to guide them, so many of them make foolish mistakes in relationships and end up divorced. They lose their happy ever after because they don't recognize when they've found it and when they haven't."

Everyone nodded, murmuring quietly in agreement with my sentiments. Several of the people around the table were looking at me with new found respect. Sheesh. I may not be a vampire, but I am pretty smart for a human, if I do say so myself. Not that I'd admit that out loud, because I wouldn't want to boast, but my IQ was definitely up at the high end of the range.

"Back to Sam and Emily," I reminded everyone. They looked at me expectantly. "Because Emily is Sam's imprint, he would move heaven and earth for her. His whole universe revolves around her. So the easiest way to win him is to win her. Besides, I wanted to do something nice for her. She didn't choose this life, but she is trying to make the best of it. I know she is self-conscious about her scars, and they are a constant reminder to Sam of how he hurt her."

"Sam did that to her?" Quil burst out in outrage. "How dare he, the bastard?"

"It was an accident," Edward soothed. "He never meant to hurt her. He got angry, lost control, and phased into his wolf form while he was standing too close to her. He accidentally gashed her with his claws during the process of changing."

"That's terrible!" Jacob gasped. The three of them appeared lost in thought, disturbed looks on their faces, as they finally began to comprehend the fate in store for them, and the dangers their friends and families would face if they didn't learn how to control themselves properly.

"Carlisle, couldn't you do plastic surgery on Emily and make those scars all but invisible? I feel certain you could do whatever reconstructive surgery might be necessary to restore her looks to her as much as possible. If anyone can, you can," I suggested. I had complete faith in Carlisle. He appeared touched by my belief in him and his abilities. Everyone at the table stared at me in approval and amazement for my ingenious plan. I didn't know why nobody else had thought of it.

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