Café Kisses.

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Scott and Mitch made their way to a small café that no one goes to just so paparazzi wouldn't spot them. They entered through the door and it honestly looked like an old western saloon in there.

Unfortunately, there were posters of Scott and all his merch scattered around. This person must've been a fan.

"Why couldn't I have won that fucking contest! I wanted to meet Scott!" Scott and Mitch heard a voice from the back. Mitch gripped Scott's hand and squeezed it tight to tell Scott that he was afraid without Scott needing to give himself away too much.

All of a sudden, a girl in all white comes out and stands behind the counter.

Mitch placed himself on his tip toes and leaned to whisper in Scott's ear.

"You take a seat. I'll order for us."

"But Mitch, I'm supposed to be treating you... Plus I want to treat you to something after the way I embarrassed you."

"You can. Just give me the money." Mitch pulled away from Scott's ear and smirked with a wink.

Scott rolled his eyes and pecked Mitch on his smirk before handing him the money and turning to a table. When he looked back at Mitch, Mitch's smirk was gone and now he was blushing furiously and that made Scott laugh a little, but only enough for Mitch to hear.

Once Mitch had ordered for them, he brought their plates to the table, after asking if he could bring them, and sat down. They couldn't talk or do much or the fan behind the counter would find out. They sat and ate for about half an hour until Mitch got tired of not talking to Scott.

He quickly came up with an idea.

MyMitchie: why dont we just txt?

Scott heard his phone ping in his pocket. He checked his phone and smiled at Mitch before typing away.

MyScotty: okay :)

Mitch smiled as they now had a way to speak to each other.

MyMitchie: ice missed you :(

MyScotty: who's ice? :/

MyMitchie: I've* damn autocorrect >:(

MyScotty: haha! Ice missed you too ;)

MyMitchie: shut up!

MyScotty: my god ILY!

MyMitchie: ILY 2!

MyScotty: how tf did I manage to get a second chance with a man that I never stopped loving?!

MyMitchie: you admitted he turned you gay on live television ;)

MyScotty: way to ruin the moment...

MyMitchie: sorry :(

MyScotty: just kidding, was sweet though, right? The way I just exposed my love for you? X

MyMitchie: obviously! Xxxxxx

MyScotty: if only the waitress wasn't a fan... I wanna kiss you and hug you and tell you how beautiful you are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

MyMitchie: stop it! You can still kiss me ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

MyScotty: *mwah* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Just fucking kiss me!" Mitch yelled to Scott.

Scott laughed at Mitch before standing up and holding out a hand to Mitch. Mitch gave him a confused look but took his hand anyway only to be swung to his other side and dipped like in ballroom dancing.

Scott leans forward and gently presses his lips against Mitch's, Mitch copying his actions.

Then, at that very moment, Mitch knew he had his happy ever after with the one he loved.

As Mitch pulled away, Scott grinned and said "I'm glad I embarrassed you now."

Mitch pouted. "Why?"

"Because we're closer than ever now and I love you more this time... I love you for real this time."

Scott wiped a few of Mitch's tears away and kissed him once again.

The rest of their day went on with just kisses in the café.

A/N kinda a filler chapter. Last chapter up next!

New story on the way. Already writing it.

Won't publish it til bout 10 chapters are written just so I have something to publish every now and than whilst I write the rest.

Stay #fcute!


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