How It Started.

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I'll hold his hand only once.

I'll hug him only once.

I'll kiss him only once.

I'll hate him only once.

I'll love him only once.

No wait, that's a lie...


Hi, my name is Mitchell Grassi. I am 23 years old. I have dark brown hair, slightly shaved around the outside and bangs, brown eyes, I'm quite short for a man and I have a petit figure. I currently live in LA but I was born in Arlington, Texas. I live in an apartment by myself with a sphynx cat named Wyatt. I'm a nerd. I'm that guy at school who everyone picks on but expects me to do their homework if I pay them. I was starting uni today. No, it's not what you think. I'm not studying science, math, English, technology or any of that nerdy stuff you would expect me to study. I'm starting a new life. I'm studying music. I'm a singer and I can also play a little bit of piano. I've only made one friend when I moved here. Her name is Kirstin. She says I can call her Kirstie, so I do. Kirstie and I were thinking about moving in together as I was lonely and she was the only one I knew here.

Uni had finally started after a long summer of nothing but watching TV, reading books and occasionally hanging out with Kirstie at Starbucks. I was so nervous. Especially since I had to have a roommate. There's no doubt I'll have to share with a boy and if I start getting close I'll end up telling him my secret and then it'll be right back to the beginning with Kirstie being my only friend. You see, I'm gay. I like boys. I haven't even told Kirstie yet. I've only ever told my parents and they were so supportive of me. They said that no matter who I like, who I get married to, who I grow old with, they will be proud of me every step of the way.

I walked into uni with Kirstie and we both reached the front desk together.

"Kirstin Maldonado." She said. The woman behind the desk gave her a key and then she turned to me and gave me a genuine smile. What a nice lady.

"Mitchell Grassi."

She handed me my key and we both wished her a good day and she returned the favour. Kirstie and I walked off and said goodbye and hugged when we had to go our separate ways.

I eventually reached my room and I was so nervous to see who was behind that door. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it to find... No one? Maybe he wasn't here yet. Maybe I didn't have a roommate. Oh please let that be the case.

Just as I had settled down with everything neatly put away, I heard the door unlock. In walked a very tall figure with blonde hair, blue eyes and a very masculine built body. I think he may be straight by the way he looked but that didn't stop me from getting butterflies. He then spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Scott. Scott Hoying."

Scott Hoying. That name is so perfect. He was perfect. Oh my goodness Mitchell stop drooling over him and introduce yourself!

"Hi, I'm Mitchell. Mitchell Grassi."

"Hi Mitchell, mind if I call you Mitch?"

No one has ever shortened my name before because they've always thought I wasn't cool enough or some stupid reason like that. I think Scott and I might get along pretty well.

"Of course you can."

"Great. Hey, a bunch of my friends and I are gonna go hang out by the music studio and just record some stuff for fun before we do the proper lesson. Wanna come with? I'm sure we can get you to your class in time."

Okay, so clearly my frames are showing him my nerdy side.

"I'm actually taking music as well. But yeah, sure, I'll defo come. Can my friend Kirstie come as well?"

"Only if she's hot." He then winked at me. Yeah, he was straight.

"Umm sorry, she is cute I guess but-"

"Dude dont worry, it's probs cuz my friends might like her, I'm gay."

Well, that was unexpected. Wait, did he just say he was gay?

"You're gay?"

"Yeah, I'm very open about my sexuality. I always have girls drooling over me and I dont like people who are fake and pretend to be someone they're not so I kinda have to admit I'm gay."

"Okay, nice to know."

"Wait, Kirstie isn't your girlfriend is she? I dont wanna let my friends get in between you two if you are a thing."

"Oh god no, I'm uhh... I'm umm... I'm single."

Okay, so I've just met this dude, managed to get an innocent little crush on him, then he admits he's gay and I like him so much now that I can't even admit that I'm gay. Well, what do you expect? Not even Kirstie knows.

"Okay, well do you mind if one of my friends do start to hit on her? They're very flirtatious. I'm not one to flirt a lot but if a cute guy is around I'll pull out all the stocks. Not that you're not cute, I would totally go for you, but you're straight and I dont wanna scare you off."

Great. He would've flirted with me. The one guy that actually thinks I'm cute and I can't even tell him I'm gay. I wish I had such courage like him. I wish I could just shout from the rooftops that I like men and that I want to marry a boy. Okay, maybe not that far, but I wish I could at least tell some people.


I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't know Scott was trying to get my attention. I mean, it doesn't happen very often, the trying to get my attention thing, but it felt good that someone wanted to speak to me for once without wanting homework to be done or to call me a homophobic slur. I mean, I know no one knows I'm gay but I did and it hurt even if they didn't know that it would affect me in such a way.


Dang, I was doing it again.


"You coming?"

"Oh, right, yes. We'll stop by Kristie's on the way as she has music as well."

"Great, lets go. Oh, and I was hoping since you are gonna be my roommate for the next 2 years clwe could go and grab a Starbucks and get to know each other?"

This was my type of guy standing right in front of me.

"Sure, I would love a coffee after music."

"Great. Lets go."

He opened the door and gestured me to walk out of it. He locked the door behind us and he put his arm around me like all the jocks do when they walk around. I was falling... And hard!

And that is how my crush first developed.

Only Once. (Scömìche) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now