The Heartbreaking Truth.

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A/N real quick when searching for the official video it wouldn't appear in my search so I just added in the audio for you :)

"So Hoying, how about it? A recording contract, your own albums, sold out tours and many many girls."

I couldn't help but snicker at that last part. Scott? Bribed by girls? Please!

"It does sound good."

I had to agree with Scott. A recording contract and sold out tours did sound amazing. However he didn't seem to think the same as me. My heart shattered into a million pieces as the next flow of words came pouring out of his mouth.

"I'll take it! I mean who needs 4 other people hding you back whilst there's a chance for me to shine by myself, and you said there will be many many girls? Every man's dream!"

Every man's dream? Girls are not my dream! I pulled Scott to the aide for a minute.

"Scott, are you listening to yourself?! You're a gay man who's just ditch his friends and boyfriend for girls..."

Then the heartbreaking truth came.

"Mitch, I'm not gay. I'm straight. I like girls. You were just an experiment. I knew you were gay from the beginning and I wanted you to admit it. That's all."

"So everything you said to me, every kiss you planted on my lips, every time you called me beautiful, every time you said I was the only one for you and that one time where you promised you would never leave me for anyone else... That was all a lie?"

"Sorry, but yeah."

How could he be so confident telling me this right now?!


"Mitch please I'm-"


And with that I stormed off. I sprinted out of uni and ran straight to my apartment. I could hear faint footsteps behind me but I didn't bother to turn around. After what had just happened it was either Scott trying to apologize or Scott trying to take the piss.

As soon as I made it to my apartment I grabbed my phone from my pocket and rang up the university.

"Hello and welcome to California University this is Fiona speaking how may I help?"

"Hello this is Mitchell Grassi, I'm a student at this university. I'm calling in to say I will no longer be attending your university and I would like to know if someone would please pack up my stuff and bring it to my apartment?"

"Okay Mr Grassi, just one question. Why are you dropping out?"

"Because I'm a gay man who has just had his heart crushed by his using ex boyfriend and he's my roommate for now. However he has just been offered a recording contract and has told me I was an experiment to his straight self and he just embarrassed me in front of everyone. Every kiss, every compliment, every favour, every hug, every time we held hands, every touch, every little smut detail, it was all fake."

"We are very sorry to hear that Mr Grassi. Do you have any other friends that go to this university?"

"Kirstin Maldonado, Kevin Olusola and Avi Kaplan."

"Would you like us to contact them for you and see if they will pack up your stuff and bring it to you?"

"That would be lovely, thank you Fiona."

"You're welcome Mr Grassi."



"It's Mitchell. Call me Mitchell."

She giggled slightly on the other side of the phone before answering.

"Okay, goodbye, Mitchell."

"Goodbye Fiona."

With that I hung up.

Not a minute later and there was a loud bang on my door. I really couldn't be dealing with Scott right now. I tiptoed my way to my front door so no one could hear me. I closed one eye and let the other eye wonder through the peep hole.

It came to my surprise that Scott wasn't there.

It was Kevin.

I opened the door and he threw his arms around me.

"Mitchell, I'm so sorry. Avi and I had no idea that Scott was straight. We had a feeling he could be bi sexual but he always managed to convince us that he was gay. If you never wanna see us again then I totally understand but I know I wouldn't be able to live knowing I lost a really good friend. If you told me that you never wanted me or Avi or Kirstie to show our faces to you ever again I would do anything to fight for our friendship."

Kevin sobbed all these words out and held me tight as I rubbed my hand up and down his back reassuringly.

"Kevin, dont worry. You Avi and Kirstie never did anything to make me upset. I would never hate you. I mean, look at where you are! You ran all the way to my apartment just to apologize. Besides, Scott doesn't want anything to do with any of us anymore so we may as well stick together."

Kevin sighed with relief and dried his tears.

"Thank goodness, dont you worry little Mitchell. Avi Kirstie and I will always be there for you."

We stayed in our hug for another couple of minutes before I spoke up again.



"Call me Mitch."

"But you said earlier that-"

"I was saying that to Scott. You can call me Mitch because I want my friends to call me Mitch."

"Okay... Mitch."

I pulled back a bit to give him a smile. He smiled back at me.

Damn, he was gorgeous up close.

I had no idea why I was suddenly attracted to Kevin, but I was.

"How could Scott lie about you being beautiful?"

I couldn't resist any longer. I had to kiss Kevin...

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