A Teacher that Actually Helped.

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Music was such a fun lesson. Our project was to make a band and create an album for the class and whichever album was the best that album would represent the university's music program. Scott, Kirstie, Avi, Kevin and I were so excited to be working on this album. It just meant more time together. Kevin and I got really close during music and we're practically best friends now. I got along with Avi for a while but that was taken over by Kirstie's company. Her and Avi were together the whole lesson. Scott? Scott and I learned more about each other as we were roommates. I learned that he was a little older than me, was also born in Arlington Texas and that he had an older brother called Alex. Scott showed me a pic of Alex. I had to admit, Alex was a sexy boy. He could definitely become a model someday. I obviously couldn't tell Scott I thought Alex was attractive. He doesn't even know I'm gay!

After everyone went their separate ways Kirstie, Avi and Kevin all went to a candy shop for snacks for tonight. Scott and I went to Starbucks as we said we would.

We reached the nearest Starbucks and I ordered an iced caramel latte and Scott echoed my order for himself. Once our lattes were ready we took a seat at a table at the back of the shop where no one could inturrupt us.

We started talking about family, friends, relationships, interests, hobbies, grades from school and our band. It was awkward when we were talking about relationships. He asked if I've ever had a girlfriend. Of course I've had a girlfriend but that's what made me realize I was gay. Dont get me wrong, the girl was lovely, but I just wasn't attracted to her. When we broke up I found myself turning away many opportunities for girlfriends because I wasn't interested. Then a boy asked me out. I was confused at first but I gave him a shot anyway because I thought it would be an interesting experiment. My relationship with this boy lasted longer with the girl and it was the boy who broke up with me. I was absolutely devastated. After that I found myself looking at other guys and taking chances with them. That's when I turned gay. Now I know what you're thinking, how come no one knows I'm gay if I went out with boys? The fact is that I said I was a straight man experimenting. Another question, what made me trust my parents enough for me to come out to them? I never liked the idea of lying to my parents. It's just wrong. Keeping this big secret from them was making me die inside and I couldn't help lying to them anymore. That's why they were so supportive of my decision. Although they were happy for me, they were more happy about the fact that I could tell them with such confidence and that I wasn't hiding anything from them anymore.

Anyway, back to Scott and I. We continued to learn things about each other when a familiar face walked in. I definitely knew that face. Oh my goodness. It was my math teacher from when I was in which school in Arlington. I loved her. She was so good at tezhing. I understood every word she ever said in those lessons and she was very patient and supportive when someone didn't get a particular topic. She had ordered an iced coffee and turned around the shop. When she looked our way she smiled and made her way here. I smiled back and got really excited. She was an amazing person in the one place where every teacher was so mean, imagine how nice she would be out of school.

We all turned small talk into a full on conversation. It turns out she is now engaged and she has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl which she showed us a picture of. She moved to LA because she got a job at guess where. Our university! She is teaching A level math. Me and her then started talking about high school math memories and Scott was laughing at how funny this conversation was. It was pretty funny. Math was never my strongest subject but she helped me a lot.

"Remember when you thought a hexagon was a nest for hens to have sex in?" She laughed.

I remembered that. It was such a funny time. I also remember when I would think circles had sides, the clock went anticlockwise and how I used to think a decagon had 12 sides because it sounded like December and December is the twelth month in the year. By now Scott was dying.

"Do you remember you used to call a pentagon a Pentatonix?" Miss Wiles and I were wetting ourselves at that one. However Scott seemed to be thinking about something. Perhaps the thing we just said.

"Scott, what are you thinking about?" I questioned him.

"Pentatonix..." He said still thinking.

"Yes Scott, that's what I used to call a pentagon." I joked.

"A pentagon has five sides right?" He then asked.

"Yes..." I replied a little concerned that he would have to ask me that.

"And there's five of us in our band right?"

"Yes there is."

"You know, Pentatonix is quite catchy come to think of it..."

I knew exactly where he was going with this and I really liked this idea.

"Why dont we call our band Pentatonix?" We asked each other in sync. Miss Wiles laughed in awe. She thought it was cute how we said the exact same thing at the same time.

"Done. We have a name!" Scott yelled excitedly and wrapped his arms around me for a celebratory hug. I hugged him back in excitement partially because we had found a name for the band and partially because Scott was hugging me and I had a crush on him.

"Nawwhh, you guys are so cute! Mitchell you're lucky to grab this one up. He's a keeper." She winked. Oh. I forgot. I used to have one on one lessons with her to help me get my grades up and it may have slipped out that I was gay. She told me that I should remember names of shapes and equations by imagining them as a celeb crush and she asked who my celeb crush was. Of course it was a boy and she looked shocked at first but eventually was extremely supportive like my parents. So I guess I forgot about telling Miss Wiles that j was gay. I shook my head rapidly and made gestures with my hands to tell her not to say that.

"I'm sorry?" Scott asked. Oh boy.

"Pardon? I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

I'm screwed.

"Mitchell, I think you should just tell him. He seems so confident about it, why aren't you?" She was right. If I was going to be hanging with Scott more often, there shouldn't be anything between us.

"I'll leave you to it. Was nice seeing you again Mr Grassi and you too Mr Hoying."

"Please Miss Wiles, it's Scott and Mitch." I said with a smile.

"Please Mitch, it's Heather." She grinned back.

We said our goodbyes and she left the shop, leaving Scott and I in an uncomfortable silence. Scott then broke the silence.

"So what was she on about you being as confident as me?"

This was it. This was the time I had to tell the guy I had a crush in that I wasn't straight. I somehow decided to tell him in the most confusing way possible though.

"I'm not a ruler Scott."

"What?" He chuckled.

"I'm not a ruler. I'm a circle."

He gave me an unsure glance. I was just going to have to tell him up straight.

"Scott... I'm gay."

He stared blankly at me for a while before getting up out of his seat. I knew it. I blew it with him. All of a sudden I felt hands snake around my arms and squeeze me ever so tightly. It was Scott hugging me. He then whispered in my ear something I thought I would never hear from him.

"It's about time."

"Excuse me?"

"Mitchie, it was so obvious you were gay from the beginning. This whole time I was waiting for you to come out to me. That's why I was so confident in telling you that I was gay, because you were so obviously gay that you wouldn't be one of those straight men that tell me to keep away from them."

He squeezed me tighter and Nuzzled his face into my neck. I could get used to this. I just told Scott that I was gay and he accepted me the way I am. Same goes with my parents and Miss Wiles. Maybe I could come out to Kirstie Avi and Kevin. Yes, I'm gonna do it. I don't have to hide who I am anymore.

I'm gonna come out of that closet and breathe in the air that awaits.

Only Once. (Scömìche) *COMPLETED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن