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The next morning I woke and my phone wouldn't stop pinging with messages. I unlocked my phone to see Scott had texted roughly 1000 times.

Scotty: morning babe xx

Scotty: how was your sleep? Xx

Scotty: wanna go Starbucks? Xx

Scotty: I miss you and I need you now xx

Scotty: wake up you lazy bitch I wanna hold you! Xx

That last one made me laugh.

Mitchie: meet me at Starbucks, I'm on my way xx

I have no idea how he managed to escape our room without me noticing, but he did. I threw on one of my favourite jumpers, some black skinny jeans and some really cute converse and fixed my hair many times before leaving the room... Well, almost leaving the room. I decided at last minute that I should wear co tact instead of my glasses. If Scott could look good then I could look just as great. After making sure my contacts were fixed in properly I headed out.

I reached Starbucks and walked inside to see my boyfriend at a table in sweats with a snapback and glasses. Would've been nice for him to put some effort into this umm... I guess date? He was still cute though. I approached the table to find he had ordered my favourite and even managed to get the barista to write 'Mitchie.' This was the moment where I knew I never wanted to let this guy go.

I sat down on the chair opposite him and he raised his head from his phone whilst giving me a sweet smile. God the things this boy does to me. I hive him a dimple filled smile back and he leaned over the table and gave me a peck on the lips. I kissed back knowing he was going to do that and gave him one last smile. I loved how we didn't even have to say anything yet it was like we were telling each other just how much we mean to one another. Scott broke the silence.

"Morning." He smiled with a cute croaky voice.

"Morning." I softly replied.

"You look beautiful Mitchie. Sorry I look like such a mess."

"You're still beautiful to me."

For once, I wasn't the one who had to try and a blich forming amongst my cheeks. It was Scott's turn. I watched in awe as he desperately tried to rub away the red that was creeping up on his face. Eventually he just gave up and blushed in front of me. He then mouthed an 'I love you' towards me. Now it was my turn to hide the deep burns in my cheeks. I didn't even try. I was bluching about something he did and I wanted to show him that I love him so much that I can't help but blush when he does something adorable.

After we finished our coffees and silent flirting we finally decided to head back to uni to meet the rest of the band and work on some material for our album. As we exited the shop I felt someone reach for my hand. I looked down to find that particular hand was attached to Scott's arm. I pulled away hesitately. I dont know why though. Yes I do. I wasn't used to the while 'coming out' and was still nervous about people's opinions. I looked up at the tall blonde who seemed to have a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Huh? Oh. Right.

"I'm sorry Scott. I really do love you dont get me wrong. It's just, you know-"

"You're so new to this coming out thing and you're panicking?"

He can read me like a book for toddlers.

"Yeah, that."

"Listen Mitchie, I know how you feel. It was tough for me to make my first boyfriend public as a boyfriend and not just a friend, however he made me feel so comfortable around him that I didn't care what other people thought, as long as he was happy to be around me, that's all I wanted, and I'm willing to try and make you feel the same way."

Here comes the blushing again. I his my face into Scott's chest and he snaked his arms around my waist pulling me closer towards him. I wrap my arms around him and we squeeze each other in a tight hug. We stood like that for about a good 5 minutes until we pulled away and he planted his forehead against mine. He gave me a sweet kiss and I kissed back... In public.

Now I know what he was on about. He made me feel so comfortable with who I am and my sexuality. We pulled away from the kiss and and smiled directly at each other. We heard wolf whistles and 'awwhhs' around us which made me feel even more confident about who I was.

Scott and I walked back to uni hand in hand and had such amazing looks from other people who stared at us as if to say 'how cute.' A couple of little kids would stare at us with confused looks. However the parents were very supprtivr by giving us looks to say 'they dont understand.'

We approached our door and I reached in my pocket to grab my key only to find it wasn't there. I looked up at Scott once again and gave him an 'oh crap sorry I'm really guilty about leaving us locked outside our room' look. He laughed to himself.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You're so lucky."


"Not only am I your boyfriend that you share a room with, I'm also your responsible boyfriend who brought his key with him."

We both chuckled. I kissed him lightly on the lips before thanking him. We then entered the room and he picked me up bridal style causing me to squeal and laugh at the same time as he dropped me on my bed. He closed the door and came back to my bed getting under the covers. He turned on SpongeBob and I cuddled closely to him as he put one arm around me. We curled up to one another before I found myself slowly drifting off in the position I was in.

This is what I want my future to be like but without all the texting and being awkward about my sexuality in public. But for now, this was more than perfect.

Only Once. (Scömìche) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now