Twenty Two- Torture

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"She's up."

I moved my head around as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.

The air was thin and smelled like a damp popcorn ceiling. The floor felt cold against my hands and neck. My legs were chilly as well.

I looked up and made out two silhouettes looking down at me. One of them had long hair that brushed against my cheek. The other had a little peak of hair at the top of his head. 

Reese. And Ada.

"Good morning beautiful." Ada said sarcastically.

I sat up and I was instantly shoved back down by Ada's strong arms. My head hit the concrete floor and I felt my whole upper body buzz. My ears began to ring and I tasted blood.

"Ow." I half whispered, half croaked.

Ada moved over to my left side and she leaned down so I almost smelled her.

"Listen up bitch. Since plan A didn't work, this is plan B." She said as she stood up and walked over to the other side of the room.

I heard metal clanking against the hard floor.

Reese moved away from me and he walked up to the side of the room closest to me. He sat up against the wall and he held his face in his hands.

"This is wrong Ada." He said sternly. "We can't kill her!"

My heart jumped.

This plan B didn't seem that it was too nice.

"Please. Don't hurt me." I said in between a million voice cracks.

Ada laughed.

"Both of you are funny." She said as I saw her nearing me with a huge pile of chains that she was pulling.

"Reese, a little help?" She said as she paused and looked over to him.

Reese looked up to her and he shook his blonde head.

"Ada, when I heard that you wanted to take Fern somewhere, I didn't mean in my basement to kill her." He explained.

Ada dropped the chains and she crossed her arms in fury.

"You are unbelievable. You're my boyfriend! Listen to me for Christ's sake!" She screamed, making my ears ring even more.

Her tone echoed through the damp air.

I managed to move myself up onto my elbows and I scooted over onto the wall Reese was propped up against.

I glanced at Ada. She was eyeing me and then she straightened her back.

Reese was six feet away from me. Ada was ten feet away from him.

"Well then. Plan B just turned into plan C!" She screeched as she grabbed a machete hidden in the pile of chains and she stabbed Reese with it.

He let out a huge groan of pain.

I gasped and covered my mouth from shock.

Ada looked like she was in a trance. She scowled at Reese as he doubled over and fell to his side, holding his chest where the blood was gushing out of.

The image I was seeing was suffused with hate, fear, and a hell of a lot of blood.

I was watching two people whom I didn't even know that well hurt each other.

"Stop!" Reese cried as he saw Ada's arm go up with the bloody machete in it.

She ignored him and she sliced through his side, causing his shirt to chance color from green to dark red.

Reese screamed out again and he began squirming around, not knowing what wound to squeeze.

Ada threw the machete to the ground and she walked over to the chain pile. She took a row of chains with a cuff on the end and she clipped the metal cuff to Reese's ankle. She pulled him across the floor, leaving a streak of blood as Reese was dragged.

He screamed again, grabbing onto the floor and failing at the same time.

Ada threw the chains across a metal rack and she locked the two ends of the line in place.

"If you fucking move, this whole shelf will suffocate you." She threatened as she shoved him in front of the heavy looking metal rack.

I let out a sob as tears streamed down my face.

Then Ada's head darted over to me.

She bent down as dug through the handing pile of chains and then she magically made a steak knife appear from it. She gripped it and then she began stomping over to me.

"No!" Reese said weakly as he held his arm out and let it fall in front of him.

But Ada ignored him, as she did before.

She was three feet away from me when we both heard Reese scream, followed by the heavy noise of the metal racks falling on top of him.

I cringed and let more tears fall as I heard bones shatter.

Ada stopped and swiveled around.

She was blocking my view of Reese, and I'm glad she did in a way.

Then she turned back to me and smirked as she raised her arm with the shiny steak knife in it.

"NO!" I screamed as loud as my lungs could manage.

Ada scoffed and brought the knife down with such force into my shoulder that I thought she cut it off.

The pain was unbearable. I think my screams damaged my voice in every way possible to humans. And I won't even mention my hurting lungs...

Ada pulled the knife out of my shoulder , splattering my blood on our faces.

She punctured my chest as well with the knife as well.

I coughed six times, all of which I spat out blood in the midst of all of it. My chest ached. My shoulder burned.

I passed out when she moved away and I saw what became of Reese.

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