Two- The Lodge And The Unwanted Roomate

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After dinner, I spent the entire afternoon and evening packing for my trip the next morning. I was so excited, and a little sad that my sisters were sad that I was leaving.

The next morning, I woke up at five am. It was still dark, so I began to get dressed, when I saw a figure in my mirror I was looking at. The figure wasn't me...

I flipped around and I was relieved to see that it was only my sister, Caitlyn.

She ran up to me and she hugged me.

"I don't want you to go Fern." She whispered as she nuzzled into me. I squeezed her back.

"I have to..." I whispered.

She sniffled and she kissed my cheek.

"Please don't get hurt. You're my best friend." She said.

My heart melted. I hated to see her so sad.

"I'll be back sweetie. And, we can Skype or something." I said cheerfully. She smiled a little.

"This is for you." She said, revealing a little brown box from behind her.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Your Christmas present from me." She said. "I decided to give it to you early since you aren't going to be here for the holidays."

She frowned.

I kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, Cate. I'll open it Christmas Day." I said.

"I'm saying goodbye now, because I'll be asleep later when you leave in a few hours." She said.

I nodded as I smoothened her dark hair.

"I'll miss you." She said, hugging me one last time.

"Bye baby girl." I said before she quietly tiptoed out of my room. I heard her bedroom door creak open and then I heard it close lightly. I thought I even heard her soft foot steps as she walked to her bed.

I tore off my gaze to my bedroom door and I looked back down at the little brown box.

In the dim and dark moonlight, I could make out a little note written on the cardboard box flap.

To Fern. May you be the best plant that there is. Love, Caitlyn :)

I smiled and laughed to myself.

"Have fun!" My mom called from the front door. She wiped at her eyes with a tissue and she waved to us. My dad waved bye to us as well, and then Reese drove away.

I turned my body around 180 degrees and then I waved to my parents until I could no longer see them.

"Here we go!" Reese said, happily.

I smiled and I turned up the radio.

I hummed to the tune of the song which was playing. Then I picked up my hot cocoa from the cup holder and I gently put my lips on the lid to sip the hot liquid inside.

I peered out the window. The snowstorm from last week left behind a white landscape. I looked at the road, and all I could see was white salt on the asphalt.

"This is going to be an awesome trip." I said. I was so excited.

The little mini van Reese owned was packed to the max with our suitcases.

Reese smiled and looked at me.

"Yep. It's extra special with you, baby girl." He said, putting his hand on my knee.

In Love With A Ghost (*EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now