Eight- Happiness and Sacrifice

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My mom called me that night. She was worried to death.

"Where are you!?" She screamed as I picked up her call.

"At the lodge." I snapped.

"Reese is here! At our town!" My mom cried. "Why aren't you here!?"

"He broke up with me. And I'm staying here. With my new boyfriend, Ryan." I said, looking over my shoulder at him. He winked at me.

"Fern, I'm coming to get you. You're not staying there, and your sisters are sobbing after you. Christmas isn't going to be ruined again. That's final." My mom said before she hung up.

I sighed.

"Boyfriend, eh?" Ryan said seductively as he walked closer to me.

I smiled and put the phone in my pocket.

"My mom's coming to get me. She's taking me home herself." I said sadly.

Ryan froze.

"What!?" He cried.

"Yeah..." I said.

I looked at the staircase.

"You're NOT leaving me." Ryan said, suddenly turning evil.

I gasped.

He grabbed at my shoulders with strong force, digging his nails into my skin, and his eyes turned completely pitch black. He growled and his teeth turned sharp like needles.

"Ryan! Stop!" I screamed.

"You're all mine now Fern." He hissed.

I screamed.

Ryan quickly pulled me all the way up the stairs through the isles of boxes and into the attic.

He laughed evilly and slammed the door behind us.

I crawled away from this creature standing before me, and I curled up into a ball once I reached the corner of the room.

"You terrible menacing fool." Ryan laughed.

He spread his hands apart, showing me his claws.

I was frightened beyond belief. I seriously was dumb enough to fall for a ghost.

This ghost is about to kill me.

He laughed again, stepping closer and closer to me.

I cried into my knees.

"Fern Fern Fern..." Ryan cooed.

"What do you want from me!?" I yelled.

"You were my bait and now you're hooked onto me...and I'm gonna make sure you get what you deserve." He said.

"What do you want!" I screamed.

"Your soul." He replied.

I screamed and kicked away from him. I curled closer into the corner and I began bawling.

Ryan seemed amused at my fear of him.

"I though you loved me!" Ryan screamed back.

"I did!" I hollered.

"Once I'm done with you, you'll be all mine. Forever." He said, walking closer to me.

I was shaking from fear. My only hope of escape was my mom, who was hours away. 

I looked up and I saw that he was directly in front of me, one foot away.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the book that Reese used to pull a prank on us.

In Love With A Ghost (*EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now