Chapter 15

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It had been two weeks since I had seen Mikayla. It also still hurts to think about her. Today we have a performance. So I have to suck it up for about two hours and press on. We drove in the tour bus for about thirty minutes and reached our destination. It was about 15 minutes before we go onstage. Once we started performing, I forgot about Mikayla. Sort of. While Niall was talking, Liam pulled me aside.

"Okay, this may make you happy or sad. But look." He said while he pointed into the crowd. I spotted her and my heart pounded. I smiled wide. She waved and I waved back. I was so happy. She held up a sign that said, "We need to talk after the show" I got nervous. I just nodded and mouthed, 'I miss you.' She blushed and we went back to performing. The last song we sang was "Little Things." She cried because I looked at her the whole time. I smiled so she knew it was all right. Liam and Zayn signed us off. I told security to let Mikayla back. She came back, her hands shaking. I smiled with glee. It was great to see her again. She gave me a hug and I kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"No problem love. As long as you know I wouldn't hurt you like that." I said.

"I know, I was just angry and didn't want to listen."

"It's fine." We kissed and my heart melted. We hadn't held each other in a long time.

"That's not the only thing I want to talk about." She said getting nervous.

"What?" I asked.

"Remember that one night..."

"Yeeaaahhh."  I started blushing and smiling.

"Well, Harry....." She started, but she couldn't quite finish. Her hand moved to her stomach.

"I'm pregnant, Harry." She said quickly. My eyes got wide and I backed up. I got really anxious and then very happy.

"Wow, um, I'm going to be a.... dad?" I asked. She shook her head yes and smiled, a little scared. I kissed her forehead. We went home and made the announcement. Everyone was happy for us. Mikayla and I went upstairs.

"My ring!" She shouted when she spotted it on my necklace. I smiled.

"Want it back?" I asked.


"well, maybe you would want something better." I pulled out her ring from my pocket jacket. I got down on one knee and she started to cry.

"Will you, Mikayla Skye Decatur, be my wife?" I asked. She out the ring on her finger. then threw her arms around me. We stayed like that forever. I couldn't wait to get married to her.

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