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  Chapter 8: Emotion.
(Y/N) POV:
I woke up on Rins bed, his blanket draped over me. I yawned and sat up looking around his room for him, "Rin?" He didn't respond but I did notice that there were voices coming from the hall, I listened closer and made them out as Rins and Yukios. As to what they were saying, I had no idea. Pushing myself out of his bed I quietly made my way over to his closed door to try and see what they were talking about. There conversation though was not one I was expecting, "So which of us gets him first? I doubt he'd want to date both of us and i'm not backing down from this yukio, I really like him. After he disappeared I though I was going to go insane, I'm never letting him go again." I could hear yukio sigh, "I know you like him but so do I, Plus how do we know he even likes guys? And if we're lucky and he does there's no guarantee he'll like us." I heard them shuffle around a bit and took a few steps back in case they decided to come back in, luckily they didn't. "Look, I know you like him rin but I also know how you don't think things threw when your emotions get involved. I suggest we both tell him how we feel and let him decide. We could argue all night and it wouldn't get us anywhere." Rin grumbled before agreeing, "Fine, then when should we tell him?" "Give him a few days, he's been threw a lot and putting him threw even more is not fair." I didn't hear a response but I assumed Rin nodded, "Good, i'll let you get some rest." I heard him start to walk away and I ran as quietly as I could back to rins bed, right as I was going to climb back in though I heard the door open. "(Y/N)? when did you wake up?" His voice was laced with worry, it was kinda obvious he hoped I was just getting up. I turned towards him and gave him a big sleepy smile, "Just now, I was kinda thirsty so I was getting up to go get a class of water." He let out a deep breath and smiled, "Go back to bed i'll go grab you a class." I nodded and climbed back into his bed. After he left though I felt awkward laying in his bed, I mean, if he really liked me then I was kinda in a vulnerable spot here. By the time Rin got back my heart was racing and my nerves were shot. "You still awake?" He turned the lights on and I sat up nodding, he handed me the class of water and I took a grateful sip before handing it back to him. "I'll sleep on the top bunk okay? If you need anything just wake me up." He ruffled my hair. I felt my heart jump and I froze, he turned off the lights and climbed the latter to the bed above mine. "Good night (Y/N)." I laid down and looked at the bunk above me, "Goodnight..." It didn't take me as long as I thought to fall asleep, my consciousness quickly slipped away from me, taking away all my stress.

----Time Skip----

I woke to the sun streaming threw the window, it's early morning colours illuminating my surroundings. I got out of bed and stretched. It was a weekend so there wasn't any school, meaning there was no need to get dressed properly. I looked at rins clock and saw what an ungodly hour I had woken up at, 5:13 AM. I grumbled and left his room to go to the kitchen, a cup of tea might help me right now. I poured myself a cup of green tea and sat down outside the kitchen, it was too early for either of the guys to be up so I enjoyed the peace and quiet for once. "(Y/N)?" And there went my peace, I looked over to one of the halls and saw yukio. "What are you doing up so early? You should be getting some rest" His voice sounded horse and I could tell he hadn't sleep much or at all. "If anything yukio you should go get your rest, I feel fine. but you look really tired. " He frowned and rubbed his temples, "I'm too busy to do that right now, why are you up?" I sighed, "Couldn't sleep." He walked over to where I was siting and and sat across from me. " Mind if I sit with you for a bit? I can't really sleep either..." I nodded and he took a deep breath, resting his head in one of his hands. "You know (Y/N), I know you were listening to us earlier. I heard you get up." I froze, my cup of tea almost slipping from my hands, "W-what are you talking about? I haven't really done anything but sleep since I got back." I felt my smile wobble a bit and yukios eyes narrowed, "Don't lie (Y/N), You heard what we were talking about. I know you did. Now since waiting a few days is useless, I would very much like an answer. And know I am not in the mood for games right now." His eyes were like shards of glass as they cut into me, searching for an answer. "I-I Don't know..." He didn't seem pleased by my answer and stood up. Walking towards me I watched in shock as he reached out and grabbed my chin, pulling me up towards him and crashing our lips together.   

Rin X Male Reader X YukioWhere stories live. Discover now