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Chapter 3: Friends?

(Y/N) POV:

I fumed in my room for a few minutes before hearing yukio knock on my door, "(Y/N)? could you let me in?" I glared at the door waiting for him to leave but he never moved. I sighed in annoyance before making my way to the door, "Leave me alone Yukio. I don't want to talk to you or Rin." "Look (Y/N), I understand that we were rude to you but try and understand. Me and my brother have a lot of enemies, until we new you could be trusted we had to keep you at a distance." "Keeping me at a distance and being a dick are two different things!" I stormed around my room trying to calm down a bit, Yukio hadn't been mean to me so I shouldn't yell at him but he was defending Rin.... I mean they were brothers... 'fuck...' I went over to the door and opened it, I saw yukio leaning on the wall next to the door with a surprised look on his face. "Get in here before I change my mind."  he nodded and quickly made his way into my room, I followed close behind him closing the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and starred at yukio, "Talk. if I have to live with you guys from now on i'd rather us not be at each others throats." "I'm sorry for my brothers behavior, and for the fact that I didn't correct him. As I said we've been targets our entire lives, him especially. We both had a feeling you were a demon so we were just trying to protect ourselves." I looked into his eyes and could tell he was telling the truth, I sighed in defeat. " Fine, I believe you." I smiled at him and reached out my hand, " how about we start over?" he smiled and shook my hand, "I think that'd be for the best." 

We talked for about an hour before he said goodnight and left.

—Time Skip—

I woke up fairly early and got ready for school, when I went down stairs no one was there. I said hello to Ukobach (The weird purple monkey thing) And headed out to school. 

—Time Skip—

School was boring as hell and gave way to much homework for what we were actually learning. I ran into Rin on my way to the dorm and decided to walk with him, I tried talking with him but he didn't really respond and when he did they were half-assed answers. "..." the silence was kinda awkward, I got along well with yukio but me and rin didn't get off to a good start. " hey (Y/N)...." "Yeah?" "... I-I wanted to say sorry..." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, " I was being a dick, I didn't realize you were like me..." I smiled at him, "It's okay Rin, Yukio explained why you acted the way you did." he looked a little relieved, like he was happy he didn't have to bring it up. 

Rin X Male Reader X YukioWhere stories live. Discover now