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  Chapter 6: Rescue.
(Y/N) POV:
I woke up in that dark room, the silence was deafening. I could feel something brush my leg and I twitched before remembering the events of yesterday. 'My tail...' I tried to see it in the darkness but couldn't, 'I have a tail... i'm just like Rin and Yukio now...a demon...' I closed my eyes tight and tried to sleep, I didn't want to be awake in this place. 'Save me...Please...'

Rins POV:

I was running all over campus looking for my friends, I needed their help but the campus was like a ghost town... ' What time is it..?' I looked around me for a clock, when I saw it I groaned. "5:40 am...WHAT THE HELL YUKIO!?" I grumbled and made my way to the new mens dorm, Some of my friends would be there, still asleep, and then we could head to the girls dorm.

--Time Skip--

Everyone was hanging around the old mens dorm, yukio still wasn't back yet so we had time to waste. well, technically we were all skipping today, so we had places to be but choice not to be there. Shiemi and izumo were chatting together while Bon, Shima, Konekomaru, and I were hanging out on the other side of the room. I wasn't really paying much attention as I was worried for (Y/N), 'Is he okay? Where could they have taken him?' My thoughts were restless.
Yukio finally decided to show his face and I practically ran over to him hoping that we'd finally be able to go help (Y/N). "Is this everyone?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed and gathered everyone so he could explain his plan and what had happened.

Yukios POV:

I looked at everyone Rin had gathered, they were all his friends and my students. But there was only 5 of them plus my and my brother, I wasn't sure if that would be enough for what I had planned. I took a deep breath, " I'm sure some of you must have noticed that (Y/N) isn't with us this morning, that would be because last night the true cross order kidnapped him. I asked Rin to gather you all here so that we could rescue him. I know that none of you known him for very long but he is a friend of ours and your class mate. We cannot let them keep and likely torture him. If you do not want to be apart of this then you don't have to be but understand that I need your help. He needs your help." They all looked at each other before smiling and nodding, "Of course we'll help!" Rin and I smiled, 'we're coming (Y/N).'

(Y/N) POV:

No one had come to my cell since I woke up, I felt relieved that I wasn't being tortured again but scared as to what they could still do at any moment. I pulled at the cuffs around my wrists but they wouldn't budge, I wouldn't be getting out of here without a key. I sighed, At least my body wasn't aching anymore, My body seemed to heal much faster now that I wasn't fully human. I turned on my hard bed so that I was facing the wall, thick chains emerged from them and ended at my wrists. "I wonder if anyone will come for me..." I whispered. I closed my eyes and listened to the few noises around me, the clanging of chains, the swish of my tail, my deep breathing.

--Time Skip--

I had been laying there for hours, If I had to guess i'd say most of the day had gone by already. I heard a loud bang noise and shot up in my bed, "what was that?" I starred where I knew the bars were and I saw a blue light start getting closer to my cell. "H-hello..?"
"(Y/N)!?" It was Rins voice and I felt my heart both stop and race. "RIN! I'm over here!" I jumped off my bed but could only take a few steps towards the door before the chains stopped me. I saw Rin reach my door and felt both overjoyed that he came and, was it scared? He was covered in a blue flame and his eyes didn't look human, his ears were elongated and his teeth short fangs. He had a smile on his face but it was still unnerving, I heard some people call out to him "I found him! He's over here guys!" A group of people ran over to him and I recognized them as my class mates and friends, "(Y/N)!" they all looked pretty banged up but happy to see me. I gave them all a huge smile. "Everyone. Thank you." I took a step back so I could raise my hands, "Thank you so much for coming, Could you help me?" I showed them the restraints and I few of them ran off most likely to look for the keys. Rin and Yukio stayed behind to speak with me, "You're okay (Y/N), right? You don't look hurt but..." Rin said. My smile fell away, It was just the two of them now so I felt I could tell them. "They tortured me... I felt like death, but they... They woke my demon blood... My wounds just healed..." They both gave me a look of sympathy,  "(Y/N)... We're so sorry, we came as soon as we could..." Yukio sounded both sad and annoyed that he couldn't be here faster. A man with short brown hair and a blond strip down the middle ran up to Yukio and handed him a set of keys. Rin grabbed the keys from him and quickly unlocked the cell door and ran over to me, his blue flames still surrounded him and I unconsciously backed away. He looked hurt by this, "I'm sorry Rin, I won't get burned will I? Flames are just... They scare me..." He nodded and got a bit closer, "I won't hurt you." I tried to stay still as he reached out and grabbed my hands. He quickly unlocked my cuffs and pulled me into a hug, "I was so worried..." His voice was just above a whisper and I smiled. "Thank you for coming..." I returned. We left the cell and Made our way out from underground, many unconscious guards lay around the halls and I felt so thankful to my friends for doing this. they had risked everything to come get me. I smiled and felt tears slip from my eyes, "Everyone, Thank you so much.." I chocked out, we were running for our freedom together. And I was so happy.

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