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Chapter 1: First day of school...

(Y/N) POV:

The school was enormous and almost impossible to navigate, It didn't take me long to get lost. I wandered down one of the endless halls trying to find my exorcist training room when I heard a loud crash from down the hall. "What was that?" I walked towards the sound and saw a dark haired male fly out of a class room. He pulled himself up and I saw a tail emerge from his back, "he's...a demon?" he ran back into the classroom and it caused a fight to break out, nothing violent but the yelling was almost deafening. I looked up at the classroom number and saw that this was going to be my room for the next few years, I sighed and walked inside. The sight was pretty much what I expected with all the noise, everyone was in an all-out fight over some topic that I didn't understand. I carefully made my way to who I assumed was the teacher and introduced myself. "Hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I was supposed to start class today." "Good to meet you (Y/N), my name is yukio okumura. I'll be one of you instructors this semester." He reached out his hand and I shook it, "pleasure to meet you. Mind explaining what this is about?" he sighed before speaking, "My brother said something stupid and everyone else disagreed so he started a fight." He sighed again before standing to stop the fight. As he left his desk I noticed he had a tail as well, 'two demons? What the hell I thought this was a school for exorcists?' "RIN!" yukio yelled at the dark haired male from before, I waited by the front of the class as yukio scolded rin. As everyone took their seats yukio walked to the front of the classroom and introduced me, "This is (Y/N) (L/N), he is the newest student here." He turned and faced me, "you can sit by my brother." He pointed to Rin and then started teaching. I made my way to my seat and started taking notes. "So who are you?" I look over and see rin uncomfortably close to me. "Didn't you hear yukio introduce me?" "No." I sighed, He was going to be difficult, "my names (Y/N), I'm the new student here." I reached my hand out to him but he didn't shake it.  I tried smiling at him but he didn't seem to trust me, "you're rin right?" he didn't answer me. I turned my attention back to the front of the classroom, I needed to learn as much as possible since I came late.

—time skip—

Class ended and I went to leave the classroom but yukio stopped me, "(Y/N), I need to speak with you. And RIN GET BACK HERE." I looked behind me to see said person fleeing as fast as he could. Yukio and I both sighed, "Sorry about him. Anyway, I looked at your papers and it looks like you'll be staying in the old boy's dorm with me and my brother." "Why? I was told I'd be in the new dorms." "the school president did some research and he thinks it would be best if you stayed with us." After some discussion I left the classroom and headed towards the old dorms, 'I really hope there isn't mold...or bugs,' .

Rin X Male Reader X YukioWhere stories live. Discover now