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  Chapter 5: Demon.
(Y/N) POV:
I woke in a cold room, my hands and feet were bound and I wanted to freak out and try to escape but my body felt sluggish and numb. I slowly tried opening my eyes and couldn't see anything, the room was pitch black and deathly silent. My heart was racing, 'where am I? Who took me? why did they take me?' question flew threw my mind over and over as I panicked.

--time skip--

I had laid there on the hard surface for what felt like eternity and only a few seconds at the same time until I finally heard something besides my panicked breathing. Footsteps. Someone was coming and I couldn't figure out if that was a bad thing or a good thing. When I saw the person for the fist time I knew it was a bad thing. He were carrying a light and I could see for the first time that I was in a cell,  He had this sick look on his face like just the thought of me made him want to puke and I could return the feeling to him. His face was half covered by a hood and his greasy looking hair but what I could see of it looked pretty disfigured. He unlocked the cell door and walked over to me, "You will help me demon. If you do not I will kill you." My heart was slamming against my rib cage, 'kill me..?' I stared at him with horrified eyes as he again made me slip from consciousness. 

Rins POV:
I woke up to yukio shaking me, "5 more minutes..." I tried pushing him off me and rolled over. "RIN! you need to get up now! (Y/N)'s gone! He's just disappeared..." I snapped awake, '(Y/N)'s gone?' I sat up and looked at yukio, he looked panicked. "Who took him?" yukio expression grew cold, "I think you know Rin... It's the same people who wanted to kill us." Yukio handed me a letter stating that (Y/N) was property of the true cross order and to be used as a weapon or killed.  My stomach dropped and I felt sick, (Y/N) had just gotten here, How could they know he was part demon already? I looked at yukio and he spoke, "It would seem (Y/N)'s demon blood is stronger than we imagined... They couldn't use us the way they wanted and now they've taken (Y/N)..." He looked in shock, his face was pale and he was deathly still. I felt rage start to build in my gut, they took my friend and they were going to regret that.

Yukios POV:
I was staring at the floor in a trance, my mind was running a thousand miles an hour as I though about how we could rescue (Y/N). I heard Rin stand up and start pacing the room, he was getting mad and that wasn't good, not yet at least. I turned to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Keep that anger for later Rin, we need a plan first." I could see my words just went over his head, he wouldn't listen to me easily. I sighed and sat on the edge of his bed, if he didn't want to listen I couldn't bother with stopping him, I needed to form a plan.

Rin never stopped pacing the room but at least he didn't destoy anything or burst into flames. I perfected my plan and finally stood up, "Okay. Rin i'm going to need your help with this, I need you to gather everyone that you trust and have them meet me outside our dorm by this afternoon. I need to call in some favours." I didn't wait for a response cause I knew he would do it to help (Y/N). I ran out of the dorm and towards the school, Step one was to talk to mephisto.

(Y/N) POV:
Tears stained my cheeks and my throat felt raw from screaming, These sick bastards just wouldn't give up but neither would I. They had all left the room for now but I knew they would be back. My body ached and I was thankful that I was on a table and not standing while they tortured me, I gently tugged on my restraints and my body burned and ached. I couldn't see myself but I knew I was covered in bruises and cuts, I knew some of my toes and fingers were broken as well. A choked sob escaped my lips as I heard them enter the room again, Why was this happening to me? But instead of instant pain I felt them start to treat some of my wounds, They cleaned me up before releasing my restraints and moving me onto a much comfier table and restraining me again. I could feel that they were going to do something but I was so confused as to why they were moving me and treating me. That's when I felt it, a sharp prick on my arm. Instantly my blood seemed to be boiling and my bones all snapping. I screamed with everything I had as the pain washed over me. I felt something brush against my leg and my ears tremble, the pain started subsiding and I was encased in a bright golden flame. The flames weren't hot and almost didn't have a shape, they were more like light or a mist than fire. I could hear gasps and whispers around me and didn't understood what was happening. I heard someone mutter "Lucifer" And my heart felt like it stopped, they had awakened my demon blood. They knew who my ancestor was and it made me shake in fear, Lucifer was known as the king of light in Gehenna. he was Satans son and one of the worst demons imaginable. I shut my eyes tight as I felt something brush my leg again, and didn't understand instantly that it was my tail. I had a tail. As the golden light around me dies out I lost consciousness again.

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