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  Chapter 7: Dream.
Rins POV:
As soon as we were back on campus we all split up, yukio, (Y/N), and I all went back to our dorm in silence. Yukio was mumbling to himself something about why they didn't follow us but I was more worried about (Y/N). He said he was tortured, so much happened to him and I can see it. The entire way home his expression has been blank, almost dead. I could feel my brow furrow with concern and sighed under my breath. "Hey, (Y/N). Do you mind spending some time with me when we get back? I want to make sure you're okay..." He barely looked over at me and nodded before zombieing out again. I frowned, I had no idea what could help him...

(Y/N) POV:
It seemed surreal to be out of that place, looking around me at all the familiar things was comforting but it also reminded me of the hellhole I just escaped from. I was only really pulled from my thoughts when we reached our dorm, "Would you want to hang out in my room or yours?" I looked at rin and blinked a few times. "Oh, that's right. we were gonna hang out... um... your room please." I didn't feel like going to my room just yet, if anything I wanted a new one after the whole kidnapping thing. I followed rin to his room and sat down on his bed, I looked around his room and took note of where he placed all his things. Rin sat down next to me and waved a hand in front of my face, " Earth to (Y/N), You okay?" I sighed and looked over at him, "To be honest, I feel pretty shaken right now. I keep looking around and it doesn't seem like anythings changed but I know that nothing will ever be the same for me...And there's this, nagging fear in me. That this is all a dream. That any second i'll wake up back on that table with them breaking me..." He didn't let me continue, I hadn't noticed I was shaking till he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into him. "You don't have to worry about that (Y/N), Even if this were a dream know that I would always come for you. But this isn't, I can feel you here and I know you can feel me, this is real." He tightened his grip on me and tried to give me a big smile, "Thank you rin..." I closed my eyes and relaxed against him and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Rins POV:

I let (Y/N) rest on me for close to an hour before yukio came to check up on us, "How is he?" I gently laid him down before going into the hall with yukio, "He's pretty shaken..." "With everything that happened he's handling it better than I thought." I somewhat glared at yukio for that, "He's stronger than you think." "I know. Now, there's a reason I came to talk to you. Somethings not adding up with our escape. there were plenty of guards yet it seemed way to easy to get in and out. Plus no one followed us or even attempted to track us. It's bugging, i'm missing some piece of information here and it could save our asses in the long run." It surprised me a bit to hear yukio swear. "I agree, something wasn't right about it, it was almost like they wanted us to rescue him."


There was a summons right after the rescue and escape of (Y/N), Lucifer's only know child in Assiah. All the higher ups were called, all it took was the order and his world would come tumbling down. "NOW LET THE EXPERIMENT COMMENCE!"   

Rin X Male Reader X YukioWhere stories live. Discover now