Forever and Always

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---------- 3 months later ----------

"Babe. Do you know where the plates are?" I called out to Isaiah from the kitchen. We were setting up Kaiden's birthday party.

"Yeah. They should be in the pantry." He yelled back from the living room. I looked in there and grabbed the mickey mouse plates.

I set them on the counter and finished fixing the food. I walked in the living room to see if Isaiah was finished with the decorations.

He had mickey mouse balloons, streamers, and a lifesize ball on that looked just like mickey mouse. "Hey, You done yet?" I asked him. "Almost." He said smiling at me.
"Ok, I'll call and tell people to start coming over." I told him pulling out my phone.

I called our friends and family, and my mom, who had Kaiden. After I got done calling everyone, Isaiah walked to the kitchen. "Done." He said smiling at me. "That smells good." He said talking about the food.

I just looked at him. "You look rough." I told him wiping my hands on a hand towel. Then he picked me up from behind tickling me. I screamed for him to put put me down and to stop. I kept hitting him until he did.

He laughed at me. "With yo scary ass." He said smirking at me. "But you love it though." I said teasing him. Then he hit my butt. I laughed and gave him a kiss.

He put me on the counter and we kissed some more. I pulled back, "Baby, I love you." I told him jumping down from the counter. He gave me a genuine smile. "I love you more baby." He said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me around my waist, causing him to lift me off the ground. We stayed like that for a little while.

Then I started to get dressed. I put on my white and royal blue tank top blouse. My red orange jegging, and my brown sandals. I let my curls down, and let them hang. I put on a little mascara, and my Mary Kay lip balm. I put on my 'Mad about you' lotion and perfume that Isaiah got me for my birthday.

I put on matching earings and necklace. Isaiah had on a jean armani shirt, kaki pants, and his black J's. Along with his gold watch that I got for his birthday.

A few minutes after we got ready, there was a knock at the door. I opened it up to see that it was Skai. I gave her a huge hug before she could even get a word out. She laughed at me. "What? I've missed you. Where Patience?" I asked.

She smiled. "I've missed you too. And she's in the car. I just wanted to surprise you first." She said smiling. I followed her to her car and she got her daughter out. "Hey there cutie pie." I said smiling as I took her from Skai. She smiled and clapped her hands. I laughed and we went inside.

After some time, everyone was there except Kaiden. Finally, my mom pulled up. I ran out to go get my baby boy. When I went out to the car, I gave my mom a hug. Then i went to where kaiden was, but he wasn't paying any attention to me. "Kaiden." I said slowly trying to get his attention.

He looked at me, and his face lit up. "Ma,ma." He excitedly said."Hey baby." I said unwrapping him from his car seat. He started giggling as he reached for me. "Did you miss mommy?" I asked him shutting the door. I placed him on the ground, held his hand, and we walked inside.

When we walked in, the first thing he saw was the life size mickey mouse. He ran over to him and hugged the mess out of him. Isaiah kneeled down beside him smiling at him. "Can I get a hug little man?" Isaiah asked with his arms out stretched. Kaiden gave him somewhat of a hug.

After everyone finished cooing over him, and we finished eating, it was time to sing happy birthday to him. Isaiah turned off the lights as I set up the cakes. I put a candle with the number one on Kaiden's cake, and lit it.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kaiden. Happy birthday to you." We sang as I carried the cake to his highchair. I knelt down to his level and softly said, "Make a wish baby boy." And gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He reached out and touched the candle.

We all gasped, but he just laughed and clapped his hands. Isaiah turned back on the lights. My dad sighed, "Well, that's one way to put out the candle." making us laugh. I took the candle and threw it away. Kaiden continued to grab at the cake and just stuff it in his mouth.

Isaiah cut cake slices from the big cake that I bought for everyone. When we all got finished, they left. We didn't open presents, because it had gotten late, and Kaiden was too dirty. I gave Kaiden a bath, and I started rocking him to sleep, while watching mickey mouse.

Isaiah was straightening up a little. "What do you want to do with all of these presents?" He whispered to me. "Just set them over there." I whispered pointing by the closet.

As I sat there rocking my Kaiden in my arms, I just got to thinking. I thought about how fast time has gone by. I mean, my son is one year old already. And then I was thinking about mg life before him. How much I didn't care about anything. Until I got pregnant with him, I never knew I could love anything as much as I love him and Isaiah.

I thought about how I haven't done anything bad, like drink, smoke, party, like I used to before him. Then what really hit me was when I got raped. The only reason I pusehed to escape, was for Kaiden. I knew what it was like to not have a mother, so I felt if I didn't at least try, Kaiden would end up just like me, and I wasn't having it.

For the past year and a half I can honestly tell you that the only reason I stayed, was because of my son. Anything I did was for Kaiden or Isaiah. I can honestly tell you that my son saved my life. He was sent to rescue me. I will never take that away from him.

A/N: Sorry to say that this is the last chapter of this book. There will be an epilogue, and then the new book is coming. Be ready. I'll tell you the name of it in the epilogue. Hope you liked the book. I love all of you! Thanks for sticking with me.
P.S. Kaiden in the MM

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