Heart to Heart

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The next morning I woke up to Isaiah cooking breakfast. He was making waffles. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind with us wrapped inside my blanket.

"Morning babe." He said turning around to give me a kiss. "Morning."I said sitting down. He set a plate in front of me and got his plate. He sat down and we started eating.

"Where's Kaiden and Skai?" I asked him after taking a few bites. "Well Skai went to her doctors appointment. And your aunt came by early and you were still sleep so she took the baby." He told me in between bites. I nodded and finished my waffles. I put my plate in the sink and went to the bathroom.

After I got finished, I went into the living room with Isaiah, and layed on his lap. and we chilled. We were watching Basketball Wives: L. A. "Isaiah can we talk?" I asked him turning down the TV. "Yeah. What about?" He said looking at me.

"Well, I wanted to talk about life, basically." I started off, he nodded. "Well I was just think to myself what am I really doing with my life? Like am I going to take what has happened to me throughout my life. And I was thinking that I wanna do better. I want to not just for me, but for Kaiden." I told him.He kept looking me in the eyes and I could tell that he understood, so I continued.

"I want to give him a better foundation and a better future, you know. And I wanna give us a better future too... So, I was thinking, I want to go back to school. I made a promise to myself when I was younger that I wasn't going to be another statistic. And I want to keep that promise..for me." I said to him tearing up.

He smiled. "I love your ambition, and I fully support your decision." He said wiping my tears away. I smiled, " You do?" I asked him getting a bit excited. He nodded, "Yeah. It'll be tough, but I know that you can do it. And I mean, I'm going to graduate in a few weeks so I can stay home with peanut until you get home.. I don't know, but we will work it out. Together." He told me. Then fe grabbed my hand.

"Baby, we are a family now and whatever you want yo do to better yourself, I fully support you." He said then he gave me a kiss. I smiled and we went back to watching TV. I was happy that Isaiah supported me on my decision.

After about an hour, Skai came in smiling. "Hey guys." She said coming in. "Hey." We said back in unison. "Well, what happened?" I asked her after she got settled in. She smiled and held up her ultrasound picture. "Well, its a girl." She excitedly told me. "Awwe. A little girl." I said rubbing her belly. Then we went into her room and talked.

We talked about how she was happy that she was having a little girl, but she wished that her baby daddy wasn't so crazy. She showed me a picture of him. Then she was talking about her relationship with him. She started crying, so I comforted her.

"Hey, you can't keep beating yourself up about this. I know you been going through some things, but baby girl you gotta keep your head up and be strong. For you and your baby girl. I know what you feel like, believe me." I told her hugging her.

Then I gave her some tissues to wipe her face. I stood up, "You wanna go get some frozen yogurt or something, to keep.your mind off things?" I asked her. She nodded and I walked out.

"What were you two talking about?" Isaiah said after I walked back into the living room. "Nothing. We're gonna go out." Isaiah walking in our room. I picked out my black superman crop top, admiring my flat stomach. My red ripped up jeans, and my black converses.

I let my hair down and my curls were popping. I did my makeup and put on necklace and earrings. I walked out to see if Skai was ready. Isaiah looked at me and started smirking and licking his lips.

I laughed at him. "Boy, you know you need to stop." I said teasing him. I sat down next to him and he leaned in for a kiss. I wanted to mess with him so I turned my head just as he was about to touch my lips. "Girl, you know you need to stop." He said grabbing my face and making me kiss him.

He gave me two pecks, then pulled me closer to him and gave me a deeper kiss. He gently kissed me a first, then slowly slipped his tongue in my mouth. He played around with my tongue for a few seconds, then he bit my bottom lip.

He moved down to my neck and started kissing and sucking it. Then Skai came in. "Oh, um. You ready?" I said pushing Isaiah off of me. Isaiah looked at me with a pouty face, puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. I smiled at him letting him know I'll make it up to him.

She nodded. She looked cute. She was wearing her pink and purple faded shirt, white ripped jeans, and white sandals. Her curls were out and were cute, and her makeup was on point.

I stood up and Isaiah smacked my ass. I turned around and smiled at him. I gave him a peck on the lips. "Ok, let's go." I told Skai grabbing my purse and keys. She grabbed her purse and we walked out the door, got in the car, and started driving.

"Hey, is it ok if we go get Kaiden?" I asked Skai as we were pulling out the driveway. She nodded, "Oh, I'd love to see him." She said getting a little excited. I grabbed my phone and hooked it up to the aux cord, calling my aunt.
Her: Hello?
Me: Hey auntie. Can I come get Kaiden?
Her: Awwe. Really? I don't want him to leave yet.
Me: Yeah. I miss my baby.
Her: Oh, alright.
Me: Ok, be there in a minute.

I started to play music from off of my phone. A few minutes later, I pulled up at my aunt's house. I turned everything off and Skai and I got out of the car. I knocked on the door and my uncle answered the door.

"Hey uncle Boe." I said giving him a hug. His name wasn't really Boe, it is actually Jackson, but everyone calls him Boe. Skai gave him a hug as well and then I saw my aunt on the couch holding Kaiden. I walked over to them with my arms reached out and a huge smile on my face.

"Hey pookie." My aunt said giving me a hug. "Hey." I said back grabbing Kaiden. "And hey my little tanka butt." I said smothering him in kisses. He started smiling. Then I placed him in his car seat. "Ok. Thank you for keeping him this morning." I said giving my aunt another hug. Then I picked Kaiden up and we left.

I strapped Kaiden in and then started to head to the fro-yo store. After about ten minutes of driving, I finally got there. I got Kaiden's stroller, and hooked his car seat up to it. Then we walked inside.

I started walking to the counter, and people started to stare at me and Skai. I just ignored the stares. I walked to the counter and a girl around my age was standing there. I looked at her name tag, which said Cassidy. "What can I get for you two today?" She asked, smiling.

I smiled back, "Umm, can I get a medium cup, and uh?" I turned to Skai, "what do you want?" I asked her. "Oh, the same please." She said looking at Cassidy.

Cassidy typed in our order, and handed us our cups. "That'll be 7. 25" she said. I gave her a ten and she gave me my change. I said thanks and then we walked over to the different flavors. Skai got strawberry banana mix, and I got Oreo.

We grabbed spoons and walked over to the park. We walked around to the benches and sat down. We started eating our fro-yo and reminisced about past times in our lives. Even though there were very few good times in our lives.

After we finished talking and eating, we walked around the park a little while. Then we headed home. For the rest of the night we chilled until it was time to go to bed.

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