Getting It Together

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Later that night, we were still in the hospital. After we took our little nap, Kaiden's fever broke, but he still had the ear infection. I was in the room with him while Isaiah went to get us something to eat.

Kaiden was laying in his bed and I was sitting next to him. A few minutes later, Isaiah came back with Chinese food. "Hey." He said giving me a kiss. He set the bag down and pulled out the food.

"Here is some sesame chicken for you. And, some rice for me." He said handing me my plate. I opened it and took a bite. "What's wrong babe?" Isaiah asked, seeing that I wasn't eating.

I shook my head, "I can't eat with my baby in pain like this." I told him. "Me either. All I could do was worry about y'all." He told me.

A few hours later, Skai came into the room. "Hey Bri. I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." She said giving me a hug.

"Oh, no you're fine. I know you're busy. You know with Patience. How is she by the way." I said trying to distract myself from eating.

"She's great. Bad as ever and getting real big. She got little fat rolls, and she started crawling a few weeks ago, so yeah. How are you and the fam?" She said looking at Kaiden and Isaiah.

"Well. Up until now we've been great. But, as I always say. This is just a minor setback for a major comeback so. After these bills get paid, and we save up enough money, we're hoping to move into our own place." I told her.

Isaiah was finished eating and had to work so he walked out as we continued to talk. We caught up on what was going on in our lives. She has been getting help from her mom and is planning to move in about a year, so we planned to hang out a lot more.

After about an hour of talking, the nurse came in , and Skai had to leave. "Ok, so everything is looking good. The fever has definitely stopped, and his infection has gone down. If it stays that way, you should be able yo go home with him in about an hour. As for right now, all you can just about do is sit tight and pray for the best." She explained and then left.

A few hours later, we were ready to go. I strapped Kaiden in the car and we drove off. I pulled up at the house, got Kaiden, and went in. It was like midnight, so I knew that Brandon had to be sleep.

After I gave Kaiden a bath and put him to bed, I started my bath water. I added lavender scented bubble bath soap and let it fill up. I lit up some candles and dimed the lights. I undressed and played my Jaqueese station on Spotify.As I got in, I just let everything go all at once and relaxed. It felt so good to just relax and to not worry about anything.

The next morning Isaiah's hand was on my face, which woke me up. I carefully got up to use the bathroom and fix breakfast. Before I fixed breakfast, I checked on Kaiden who was awake. I grabbed him and warmed up his bottle. I sang to him quietly as I fed him. He fell back asleep so I placed him in his carrier.

I fixed some eggs, grits, and bacon. As I was fixing it, Isaiah woke up, "morning beautiful." He said squeezing me in a bear hug from behind. I laughed at the moment. "Good morning." I said turning around and giving him kiss.

Kaiden woke up, cutting our kiss short. I picked him up and rocked him on my shoulders as Isaiah fixed my breakfast. "You're an amazing mama." Isaiah said setting my plate down in front of me.

I smiled, "And you're the perfect guy. I mean, I gotta give you props. Me and you have been through hell and back, but somehow you always manage to stick by my side. I love you." I told him.

He smiled, rubbed Kaiden's back, and gave me a gentle kiss. "I love you more." He said pulling back. I smiled and then we started eating dinner. After we ate, I put up the dishes played with Kaiden.

"Hey babe, you wanna go to the park and have a stroll around the park as a family?" I asked Isaiah. "Sure." He said coming where I was. I got up and started getting Kaiden ready first.

I gave him a quick bath. Then I put on his grey polo shirt, a pair of Levi jeans, and his Sperry's. After I got him ready, I took a quick shower, allow wing my curls to get wet. I put on my grey polo shirt, my pair of light jeans, and my Sperry's.

I did my makeup, and by that time, Isaiah was ready too. I put Kaiden in his stroller, and we headed to the park.

Before we went to the park, we stopped at a frozen yogurt place. I got Oreo with peanut butter sauce, and Isaiah got strawberry cheesecake. We walked around the park and sat down and ate our froyo. I gave Kaiden a few small bites.

After, we got finished eating, we walked to the swings and pushed Kaiden in them. We had so much fun playing at the park.

When we got home, I gave Kaiden a bath and put him to sleep. I took a quick shower and then cuddled up with Isaiah. We watched a movie and fell asleep in each others arms.

A/N: Ok. Its kind of boring, but I'm going to make a new book that is the sequel to this one. There will be a few more chapters after this, and the new book is coming. Not sure what it will be called yet, but I'll let you know after that. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Bye.

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