Entering the storm

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"Who the fuck are you?" He asked me with attitude. "You ain't even gotta worry about who the fuck I am. You just need to worry about bouncing the hell out of my damn house." I said grabbing the house phone.

"Your house?" He said placing his hand on the phone holding it down. "Yeah my house. How the hell you think I got in here? I ain't you, you know." I told him trying to get his hand off mine, but his grip just got tighter.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, knowing he was looking for Skai. He let me go, "Well, I'm looking for my girl, Skai. She ran away and I'm looking for her. She got my baby, and I wanna see my baby. Where is she?" He said looking back at the pictures.

"She ain't here, I can guarantee you that." I told him. "I ain't ask you where she ain't, I asked you where she is now didn't I." He said after he slapped me, this time knocking me go the ground. "Now answer my question. Where the fuck is Skai?" He said kneeling down. "I don't know." I told him.

He was getting ready to hit me again but I stopped him, "Wait, please." I told him, holding up my hand to block him. He smirked. "I like the way you say please. Say it again." He said standing up. My heart was pounding every second he was still in here, telling me what to do. "Please." I said.

"Get on the bed." He told me. I looked at him like are you serious nigga, "What?" I asked him. "You heard me, bitch." He said.
"No, nigga." I told him boldly, big mistake. He kicked me in the stomach. "Get on the damn bed, bitty bitch." He told me kicking me again.

I did as told this time. He smirked, "Smart. Now take off your clothes." He told me rubbing my face, but I pulled away. He laughed, and punched me in the face. "Take off your damn clothes." He said slower, bending down to my level. I only took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my bra and underwear.

He smiled and climbed on top of me, and started to bite my face, and rub my face. "Stop." I told him trying to get loose from his grip. He just laughed and hit me. Eventually, I just gave up. He forced me to do whatever he wanted me to by beating me. He raped me.

After he got done, he pulled up his pants, "Ah, that was good. Even better than with Skai. You might want to teach her a few things." He said putting the rest of his clothes on, the he sighed. "I'm going to get something." He told me walking out the door.

I just wanted to lay there and die. I wanted to give up on everything. But something inside me mad end get up. I packed a little bit of clothes, put on my sweats, and layed back in the bed. Trenton came back with a beer.

I was laying on the outside, which was better for me. He set the beer on the night table and layed down next to me. He turned on the tv. I grabbed one of Isaiah's trophies and the beer bottle. I smashed the beer bottle on his head, and stabbed him a few times with the trophy for security.

I grabbed my bag and ran into Kaiden's room. I packed a few of his clothes and bottles, and necessities. I used all the strength that I could to push the dresser in front of the door I picked up Kaiden and placed him in his car seat.

I climbed out of the window, and called the police seriously this time. I told them what happened and where to go. I called my aunt, Isaiah, Skai, my dad, and my mom. Neither one of them answered the phone. It was in the middle of the night. I called Mrs. Thomilson, and asked if I could come over to her house.

When I got there I quietly knocked on the door. "H-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence after she saw me. She closed the door. "What happened to your face?" She asked me gently touching it. I winced at the pain.

She brought me in to her kitchen. She went to go get her first aid kit. She started to fix my face, and it was hurting, and I was whining. "Tell me what happened." She said putting a gauze on my face.

I sighed, "Well, I came home, put Kaiden to bed, and I layed down. I heard a noise, so I went to see what it was. Long story short, Isaiah's cousin's ex did this to me. I called the cops but they never showed up. So I called them again after I got out. I tried to call my family, but no one answered."

I unknowingly started to cry, because she gently wiped my face and gave me a hug, which made me cry even harder. My stomach started to hurt, "Do you have something for this?" I said lifting up my shirt. It was a huge bruise, and it was swollen. She touched it, and I jumped because it hurt. "Oh, no baby you need to get a doctor for that." She told me.

I shook my head, "I don't want to take Kaiden to the emergency room in the middle of the night." I told her. "Well, Bri if you don't, that could get worse." She told me grabbing her phone. "Come on." I said as she was writing a note for her husband. She called the ambulance. She told them to come here and she said that she would meet me there with Kaiden.

I followed suit. With her, there's no point in aruguing. While I was waiting for the ambulance to come, Isaiah called me. I figured he was home.
Isaiah: Bri. Where are you? I got home and there are cops saying that you called them and wanted to know where you were. Why didnt you call me? Are you alright?
Me: I did call, and no I'm not.. I'm on my way to the hospital. Meet me there and I'll explain.
Him: Ok, I love you.
Me: I love you too.

A few moments later, the ambulance came and got me, and Mrs. Thomilson followed us in her car. On the way to the hospital, they gave me some medicine that made me knock out.

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