Reaching Out

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---------- 4 months later ----------

Brandon has been getting better every day. He's been taken off of life support. He is still in a coma, but is expected to wake up any day. We've been going to the hospital as much as possible.

Isaiah and I had to get jobs to pay for the bills. Its been kinda hard since I've started to show now. Also, its December and the snow makes it hard to get around.

Isaiah and I are going to find out what we are having today. He went to work but is coming back to get me. I was watching Love and hip hop Atlanta when Isaiah texted me saying to be ready he'll be here in thirty minutes.

I put on my turquoise long sleeve blouse, a white infinity scarf, my dark jeans, and my brown Uggs. My curls were out and looked amazing. I put my makeup on, and ate a snack. Isaiah pulled up as soon as I got done eating.

"You ready?" I excitedly asked him. "Yeah. I'm ready to find out what I already know." He sarcastically answered. He started rubbing my bulging belly. He kissed me and started driving.

We pulled up to the doctor's office a few minutes later. I got even more excited. We signed in, and went to the waiting room. "What if its not a boy, like you want?" I asked Isaiah.

He shook his head and rubbed my tummy. "It'll still be my lil peanut." We both giggled, and hugged. The nurse came in, "Brianna."

We walked back to the checkup room. Dr. Hamilton was already in there. "Are you two ready to find out what you are having?" She asked, smiling. "Yes." We said in unison.

I layed on the table. She poured the freezing gel on my belly. I promise it gets colder every time. She started the ultrasound. Isaiah grabbed my hand and we looked at each other.

"Well. It looks like you're going to have...a boy. Congratulations. Would you like a picture of your son?" Dr. Hamilton asked.

"Yes please." I said, smiling. Isaiah said, "See, didn't I tell you that we were having a boy." I nodded. "Yeah, you did."

Dr. Hamilton said, "Everything looks amazing. But you do need to gain more weight, though. And make sure you drink plenty of water. Other than that you are good to go." She smiled, printed out the picture, and we set an appointment for three weeks.

After the appointment, we drove over to the hospital to see B. When we got there, my dad wasn't there, which I was fine with.

I went into B's room, and Isaiah waited in the waiting area. He was laying there in the same position as when I left. "Hey B." I said as I grabbed his hand. "I have some good news. You're gonna have a nephew."

He mumbled something and shifted in his bed. OMG!! My brother is awake. I got so excited, tears started to come down my face. "What? What did you say B?" I asked trying to get him to talk.

"I said that's nice but I really wanna go to sleep right now." He said a little clearer. "Oh, ok." I ran out of the room, "Guys, oh my god. Brandon just woke up." Everyone jumped up. I stopped them, "Wait, he said he wanted to get some rest." They all looked disappointed but sat back down.

I, on the other hand, went to go get the doctor. Luckily I didn't have to walk that far. He was in the hallway talking to another doctor. "Excuse me, Dr. Anderson. Hi, my name is Brianna, and my brother, Brandon, he just woke up. Now, I just wanted to notify you. But he did say he was sleepy, so.."

He smiled, "Thank you so much Brianna. Please go have a seat. I'll take good care of your brother I promise."

I smiled and nodded and went to the waiting area. After what seemed like forever, the doctor came back with a smile on his face. "Brandon is doing great. He is complaining about wanting to sleep, which is totally normal. So what I suggest you do, is go home, get some rest yourselves, and you can see him tomorrow."

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