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---------- 2 weeks later ----------

Isaiah and I were watching Fast and Furious 7. Kaiden was with my mom and B was in New Jersey with a friend. We had the whole weekend to ourselves.

I was cuddled up with him and he had his hand on my butt. "Isaiah." I said to him trying to get his attention. "Yeah baby cakes?" He said looking at me. I just smiled at him.

"Once upon a time I told you that when I was all better, I would make it up to you." I told him and he gave me a little smirk. I mailed and climbed on top of him and started kissing all over his face.

I slowly moved down to his neck and started sucking it. Then he gently pushed me up. "What?" I said asking why he pushed up.

"Hold on, just follow me." He said getting up off the bed. I followed him to the bathroom. He let the water warm up as he slowly took off my t shirt.

I grabbed his hand, "I know how to undress myself. " I said, secretly wanting him to continue. "I know but I just do it so much better." He said in a low, sexy voice.

He finished undressing me and then he undressed himself and we got into the shower. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. The water was pouring down on us, drenching us as we gave each other sloppy wet kisses.


I woke up to Isaiah sleeping with his hand on my face. I got up without waking him. I went into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast. I made bacon, eggs, grits, and biscuits.

While I was cooking, Isaiah walked into the kitchen and hugged me from behind, and layed his head on my shoulder. I giggled at him, "Awwe baby. You cooked for me." He said kissing me on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I made bacon, grits and eggs, and some warm moist biscuits." I said setting our plates on the table. "Mm. Like that other magical thing you got, huh?" He said smirking, sitting me on the counter.

I smiled, "Eww. Ya lil nasty." I said mocking Raven off of that's so raven. He pressed against me with his hands on my thighs, "You like it though." He said to me. I laughed, "You right." Then he gave me a long, but unsatisfying kiss.

I jumped down off the counter sat down to eat. While we were eating, my mom called me.
Me: Hello? Is everything ok?
Mom: Hey. Yeah, its just that Kaiden got sick last night, we didn't want to bother you unless it got worse.
Me: Is it bad? Are taking him to the doctor?
Mom: He was running a fever and sneezing a lot. Then this morning, he was still running a fever and sneezing, but he was whining and holding his ear. We're at the doctor now.
Me: ok I'm on my way.
Mom: ok

I hung up, took a deep breath, put my plate up, and went to get dressed. My heart was pounding, my head throbbing with thoughts of what was wrong with my baby. I could just imagine him laying in pain and agony, crying his eyes out.

Isaiah followed me in the room as I explained what was going on. I just threw on my jeans and my jacket and three my hair into a messy bun. Isaiah put on his sweat pants and a T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and purse, Isaiah grabbed the keys and we bolted to the hospital.

We pulled up about ten minutes later. I just about ran to the counter, "Children's ward, please." I said to the woman behind the counter. "Third floor." She said smiling. "Thank you." I said immediately rushing to the elevator.

I pushed the button, and that was the longest thirty seconds ever. I was shaking, just waiting to get off. Isaiah gabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, "its going to be ok." He whispered to me.

I nodded, "I know. I'm just scared." I told him. He hugged me tighter, "I know I'm scared too." Then the elevator opened. Isaiah grabbed my hand and led me until we saw my aunt.

My mom was talking to the doctor. "Hey." My aunt said giving us a hug. "Um. What's he saying?" I asked my aunt, she shrugged. "We'll find out." She said as we sat down.

As soon as my mom got done talking to the doctor, I stood up. "What'd he say?" I asked her. "He said that Kaiden had an ear infection, and a minor cold. They are putting him on antibiotics, so his fever should break by morning, but as for his ear, they are gonna give us ear drops to prevent ear infections. He's going to be fine." She explained to me.

My heart finally stopped pounding as she said he was going to be fine. "Ok, um. Can I see him?" I asked her. She nodded, and led me into the room he was in. There was a nurse trying to calm him down. He was screaming, holding his ear as she was trying to put ear drops in.

I just smiled at the sight of him. "Tanka." I said walking over to him. "Oh, can I hold my baby?" I asked the nurse as he reached for me. She nodded and handed him to me. He kept crying, but softer and put his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and started soothing him.

"Shh, Shh, mommy's here, mommy's here." I said trying to get him to stop crying. He cried some more and kept grabbing his ear. "Its ok baby, stop grabbing it." I said pulling his hand from his ear.

"Can I try?" I asked reaching for the ear drops. She nodded and handed it to me. I sat down on the bed and held him in a laying position, rocking him from side to side.

"How many should I put in?" I asked the nurse. "Oh, um four." She told me, grabbing her clipboard, walking out. I put two drops in, and Kaiden wailed. "Oh, I know baby, but I have to. You want to get better, yeah?" I said cooing to him as I put another drop in, which made him cry more.

"I know, I know. Just one more, ok?" Then I dropped it in and he cried louder. I picked him up and he grabbed his ear. "Oh, no. Don't grab it baby, don't grab it." I said pulling his hand off his ear.

He eventually stopped crying, and I rocked him to sleep. A few minutes later, the nurse walked back in. "That was impressive." She whispered to me. I smiled, still rocking Kaiden.

She continued, "I'm nurse Troutman. Its good that you're here. Is Kaiden staying with you?" I nodded. "Ok good. In order for him to get better, you will need to give him four shots in each ear, as you already know." I nodded.

"Um, as for his cold, were giving him antibiotics, so he should be fine. We can give you some medicine for next time around, if you want any, but he should be fine, if you feed him the right foods." I nodded again.

"The doctor wants him to stay just to make sure everything is good, but if his fever breaks before the end of the day, you should be able to take him home." She told me. I nodded and she smiled. Just before she walked out I asked her to tell Isaiah to come in.

A few minutes later, he came in smiling. By that time, I moved Kaiden on his back. "Awwe, by big baby and my lil peanut. I guess you couldn't wait to get him in your arms, could you." He said, making me softly giggle. "You know me so well." I whispered.

Then he came over to where we were and layed in the bed with us. He rubbed the top of Kaiden's head. "This reminds me of the day he was born. One of the best days of my life." I told him. He shook his head, "It wasn't for me."

I looked at him, like he was crazy, "Then what was the best day of your life?" I asked him. "He looked at me and smiled. "The day you told me you was pregnant. I knew my life would change, but I also knew that when I saw your smile, that it would be forever." He told me.

I smelled, and gave him a long meaningful kiss. I repositioned Kaiden and layed my head on Isaiah's shoulder. "I love you so much." I said to him. He gave me a kiss on my forehead, "Not as much as I love you." He said to me.

A/N: What do you guys think? I hope you like it. I've been thinking about writing another book. Please let me know what you think. And if you have any questions, please ask. I love feedback. Thanks.

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