Stab Wound

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The next morning, I woke up before Isaiah did. I used the bathroom, and then started fixing breakfast. I was cooking eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage. Isaiah woke up just as I was finishing cooking. "Morning babe." He said coming in.

I turned around, "Oh, good morning. I was just about to come and get you." I said giving him a kiss, then we sat down to eat. "Mm..this is good." Isaiah said. I was mixing it all together, like always.

While we were eating, someone started to bang on the door. "Ok, ok. I'm coming." Isaiah said going to the door. I followed behind him. He opened the door and a girl around his age was standing there.

She was beat up, her face and arms were bruised, and she looked scared. "Oh my god, Skai, get in here." He said grabbing her and pulling her in. He sat her down on the couch, "What the hell happened to you?" He asked her.

I went to get her a wet rag to clean her up. "Well, my ex boyfriend, Trenton had some..anger issues. I mean it wasn't bad until.. Well I.." Her voice started breaking.

I put the cold rag on her eye, and she winced. "You what? Tell me." Isaiah said. "Well, I... Isaiah, I got pregnant. I'm about a month along." She said. "I was scared to tell him, and when I did..well you see what he did to me." She said starting to cry.

Isaiah started to get upset, I could tell. "This is fucked up. I ain't gone stand for this." He said getting up. "No, no.. Please, don't." Skai said grabbing him. He pulled away from her. "Nah. Ain't no nigga finna put a hand on a girl. Not ever. You stay here. I'll take care of him for you." He said grabbing the keys.

"Isaiah, don't- " but he just walked out slamming the door behind him.I sat down next to her. "Umm..I'm sorry for you, and I feel for you. But um, how do you know Isaiah?" I asked her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Skailar, I'm his cousin. Me and Isaiah are very close. I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked me.

"I'm Brianna, but you could call me Bri." I said shaking her hand, then I rubbed my belly, "And this is baby Kaiden, his baby." I told her. I walked into the kitchen, and got some pickles and peanut butter.

"You hungry." I asked her from the kitchen. "Oh I'm starving. I'm sorry for just coming in here with all of this." She said coming into the kitchen.

I shook my head, "No. Don't worry about it. Its fine." I said warming up some breakfast for her. "Thank you." She said sitting down to eat. I sat down next to her eating my pickles and peanut butter. "So, tell me about yourself.

I told her my story, and she told me hers. I found out that we were kind of in the same boat. The only thing was that she went through that I didn't, was her dad abused her as a kid.

Her aunt, Isaiah's mom, took her in and that's how Isaiah and her got close. Then her dad died when she was twelve, and she went to live with her grandmother. She has been through a lot.

"You can stay in this extra room. And you just get some rest. There is a bathroom at the other end of the hall, and I'll get you some clothes." I told her, as she went into the spare room that we had.

She was about my size, so I gave her some of my old clothes that I wish I could still fit. Then I got an ice pack for her. I knocked on the door.

"Here are some old clothes of mine that you can borrow." I said laying them on the bed. I sat down next to her on the bed and gave her the ice pack.

"Thank you." She said. "Your welcome." I said half smiling. "No, I mean for letting me stay here." She said tearing up. "Oh, don't mention it. You've been through a lot. The least I can do is let you stay here while you get yourself together." I said. Then she started to cry.

I hugged her and conforted her. Then I got a call from an unknown number.
Me: Hello?
Person: hello? Bri, is that you?
Me: yeah. Is this Isaiah?
Isaiah: yeah. Can you come get me?
Me: Yeah. Where you at?
Him: Jail
Me: I'm on my way.

"That was Isaiah. He's in jail." I said to Skai walking out the door. I went to my room and put on my ripped jeans, blue tank top, black leather jacket, and black Jordan's. I pulled my hair into a sloppy but cute bun. I reached into our secret money place and got out all of it, only 700 dollars. I started walking out the door and Skai was standing in the hall.

"I'm sorry." She said again. "Stay here. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry... Just..just stay here." I told her then I left.

It took me about fifteen minutes to get to the jail. I rushed in as soon as I pulled up. Well as fast as I could for a girl seven months pregnant. "I'm here for my boyfriend, Isaiah Walker. He is still here right?" I said to the man behind the front desk.

"Yes, he is, but unfortunately, his bail is set for $500." The man said. "I have it right here." I said reaching into my purse to get the money. I handed it to him and he called for Isaiah.

A few minutes later, he came. I looked at him and walked out. "Bri, wait." He said following me out. He kept calling me but I ignored him until we got in the car.

"What the fuck happened? I mean what. You just decided that you big enough to just go out. Then get arrested. Isaiah we have a baby coming. You keep this up and your son will have to grow up looking at you through a window. Is that what you want?" I said getting angrier with each word I spoke.

He grabbed my hand, "No baby. And I'm sorry. I was just so mad. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just riding, trying to calm down and then I saw him. It was like a bomb went off. Next thing I know, I'm in jail. I.. I'm sorry Bri." He said to me.

We got take out, and drove home in silence. When we got home, I ate, took a shower, and spent the rest of the day chilling. When I got ready to go to bed, Isaiah came into the room.

"Umm, what do you think you're doing?" I asked him as he was crawling in the bed. He stopped, "Well, I was finna come to bed with you." He said crawling closer to me. I put my hand up to stop him.

"Uh, no. I don't think so. You are in deep, man. And you are sleeping on the couch tonight." I said pushing him away. He got up and I threw a pillow at him. "Thanks. So much." He sarcastically said.

"Mhm." I said turning over to fall asleep. I grabbed my phone and turned on the r&b station. I cried myself to sleep that night.

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