Finally Alright

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"Bri, get up." Isaiah shook me awake. "Why you waking me up this early? It's like 8:30." I asked him rubbing my eyes. "Don't you remember? Its Saturday... Bri, were going house looking today." He said.

I got up to use the bathroom. "Oh. I forgot." I said. "But I don't want to actually but one until B gets better. You know that right?"
He nodded, "I know, but that doesn't mean we can't at least look for one." I nodded.

"Hey, I'm hungry. Are you?" He nodded. I started breakfast. I was making eggs with sausage in them. Grits with cheese, crispy bacon. Biscuits so light and fluffy, they levataed up off the pan, landed on the plate, and buttered themselves." We started laughing.

We sat down and ate breakfast. After we got done, we got dressed. I put on my black cami, my red leather jacket, my Calvin Klein jeans, and my black and red Jordan's. My curls were really cute.

Isaiah put on his white Calvin Klein shirt, his dark jeans, and his brown polo boots. He drove us over to this really nice apartment complex.

When we pulled up, our realtor, Mrs. Wilkinson, was already there. "Well, let's get started, shall we." She said as we got out of the car. She led us up two flights of stairs. Then we got to the apartment.

"Well, here it is." Mrs. Wilkinson said as she unlocked the door. We walked inside, and it looked pretty nice. I started looking around.
"It has three bedrooms, one full bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. There's a playground, you know, for your little one." She pointed at my stomach. Isaiah and I smiled at each other.

She continued on, "The rent is only 80 a month, with the monthly bills, of course. We can get into deeper detail later. Right now, I'll just let you look around.

Isaiah and I looked into the first room. "This must be our little peanut's room." He said to me. Then the other room was bigger. "And this must be our room." I said to him.

We walked back into the doom that Mrs. Wilkinson was in. "I love it." I said as soon as I got back. She smiled, "I'm glad you do. I tried to find a good place in your budget. So what are we looking at, a month or two?"

"Umm. I can't really say right now. My brother is in the hospital, and we are staying at his place. So I want to wait until he gets better. So it will be really great if you could, oh I don't know, maybe like hold this place until we canove in?" I said to her.

We talked it out and agreed on that if we can't move in less than eight months, then we'll have to look for another place.

After we got finished, Isaiah took me out to lunch, then to the hospital to see B. When we got there, only my mom and sister was there.

My mom saw me and walked over to me. "Hey mom, where is everyone?" I asked her. She smiled, "Your aunts and uncles are getting the house decorated."

"For what?" I asked, thinking B was going home. "For Christmas, silly." She said giggling. I kind of felt stupid. " Is he up?" I asked.

She nodded, "And he wants to see you." I walked into his room. His face lit up when he saw me. "Hey, baby sis." He said in a whispery voice. "Hey B." I whispered back.

He cleared his throat. "So they say that if everything stays good, I could be out of here just before Christmas." He said smiling. "Yeah, well that's some good news. I've missed having you in the house." We laughed.

After about two more hours, it was time for me to go home. Isaiah drove me to get something to eat on the way home.

"Eat up, my little peanut gotta be big." Isaiah said as we were eating. I started smiling. "I know, I know. You tell me every chance you get " I told him, and we started laughing.

After we got done eating, we drove back home. When we got there, I walked inside, and to my surprise, Brandon was there!

"Oh my goodness, B you're home!" I said as I went over to hug him. Isaiah started to giggle. I turned go look at him, "Did you know?" I asked him.

He started flexing, "Well, you know. Maybe your man and your brother wanted to surprise you. You know." He said trynna act all cool or whatever.

"Awwe that's so sweet." I said hugging him. We talked for about thirty minutes. Then we all went to bed. The next morning, Isaiah was cooking breakfast.

"Morning babe. That sure smells good." I said hugging him from behind. He started blushing then turned around and kissed me.Then B walked in.

"Ugh. You two. Please, not this early in the morning." He said looking discusted. Me and Isaiah started to laugh. "Sorry." I said to B. We fixed our plates and started eating breakfast.

"So, are you going to Aunt janay's house for the Christmas party?" B asked when we started eating. I nodded. "Well, you know Its tonight right?" He asked me. I nodded again.

After I got finished eating breakfast, I got in the shower, and I washed my hair. After I got out, I moisturized my skin with cocoa butter lotion. I put coconut oil in my hair.

I went into my room to find Isaiah getting dressed. He turned around and saw me and he started licking his lips.

I started blushing, and he walked up to me. He grabbed me and started kissing me. He layed me on the bed and started to rub my *treasure*. We kissed some more. The he pulled the towel from around me.

After about five minutes of kissing and rubbing, we got interrupted by a phone call. I sighed and looked to see if it was my phone. "Oh, I gotta get this baby." Isaiah said answering his phone. I sighed but got up to get dressed.

I put on my black polo shirt, my skinny jeans, my black and red KDs, and my matching polo hat.

Isaiah came back in, "Who was that?" I asked him when he walked in. "Oh, that..that was my cousin." He told me.

I didn't really believe him, but I didn't wanna be the type of girl that jump to conclusions and shit like that.

We finished getting ready and we drove over to my aunts house. When we got there, the house was decorated in white lights. The inside looked like a winter wonderland. The Christmas tree was beautiful.

My whole family was there, my friends, and even Isaiah's mom. There were cookies, hot chocolate, and other goodies. Everything looked good. After we got settled in, it was time to eat. We all gathered around and prayed.

Then we dug in. I had ham, Mac and cheese, collard greens, peach cobbler, and sweet potato pie. We ate, and talked, and talked, and ate. After that was over, we all sat in the living room and reminisced about the past Christmases.

After the party was over, I fixed me a plate to go. Then we left. When we got home, I layed down and fell asleep in Isaiah's arms watching Nick Cannon's Wild 'n out.

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