Only The Beginning

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---------- 7 months later ----------

I woke up to Isaiah snoring. I smiled and gave him a little peck on the lips. I went to get Kaiden and warm up his bottle. I sat on the bed and started feeding him. After I fed and burped him, I wanted to mess with Isaiah.

I held Kaiden up, "Say hey daddy." I said trying to wake him up. Then I put him on Isaiah's face. "Say hold me daddy. You want him to wake up don't you tanka." I said cooing at Kaiden. Then I started kissing on both of them, and Kaiden was giggling.

Then Isaiah woke up and held Kaiden. "Oh, yay. Daddy's up tanka." I said and Isaiah sat up. "Yeah, how can I not be, peanut. Mommy said you wanted me to wake up." He said cooing over kaiden. I smiled and handed Isaiah a pacifier. Then I got up to use the restroom and Isaiah smacked my ass. I looked back at him blushing.

After I got done using the bathroom, I started to fix breakfast. I made some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. "Isaiah, Skai, breakfast is ready." I yelled from the kitchen. Skai came out holding her two month old daughter, Patience. Then Isaiah came out still holding Kaiden.

"Morning." I said to Skai. She looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile. I took Kaiden from Isaiah and he fixed both our plates, Skai fixed hers, and we sat down to eat.

After breakfast, I took a shower and laid out my clothes. I had to go to school, but Isaiah and Skai had to work, so Kaiden was going with my aunt for the day. I laid out my red polo shirt, black adidas pants, and black and red Nikes. I put on my Victoria Secret bra and panties.

I gave kaiden a quick bath.I massaged his baby lotion on and smelled him while kissing him. I put on his royal blue
Polo shirt , black pants, and back Jordan's. After I got him ready, I got dressed, pulled my hair into a messy bun, and put on my black visor.

I walked back to our room and Isaiah was just laying there. "Baby, I'm going to my aunts house to drop Kaiden off, then to school." I told him giving Isaiah a kiss. "Alright." He whined back to me. I laughed at him and climbed on top of him, pinned his hands down, and kissed all over his face. He started laughing. "Bri, Bri, Bri." He said trying to get me to stop.

"What? I thought you loved my kisses." I said puckering my lips up. "I do." He said then he grabbing me and turning me on my side, kissing me, he then layed on top of me, pinning my arms down. I laughed at him. Then Kaiden started to cry, I sighed, gave Isaiah one last kiss, and went to get Kaiden.

I soothed him, and placed him in his car seat. "I love you." I said giving Isaiah one last kiss. He smiled, "I love you more." He said and grabbed Kaiden's diaper bag, and walked me out the door. I strapped Kaiden in and drove off. We didn't even get on the road good, and Kaiden started crying. I turned on some soft music to try to sooth him.

"Hold on baby, we're almost there." I said to him. A few minutes later, we pulled up at my aunt Janay's house. She was on the porch waiting on me. She came running up to the car. "Hey Bri." She said giving me a hug when I got out the car. "Hey auntie." I said smiling. For some reason she can always bring a smile to my face no matter what.

I got Kaiden out of the car and we walked inside. Nobody was there, good. She picked up Kaiden while I warmed up a bottle for him. I gave the bottle to my aunt and she started to feed him. "So, you'll get him after school?" She said breaking the silence.I nodded.

We talk for another hour, and it was time to go. I smothered kaiden in kisses, gave my aunt a hug goodbye, then I left.

---------- 7 hours later ----------

I had a long day at school. It was our last day before Christmas break. I had like two exams that were super hard, and one of my teachers were giving me a hard time. So I swung by to get kaiden, and I grabbed take out on my way home. Kaiden was asleep when we got home. Skai and Isaiah were at work, so I had the night to my self.

When I got home, I gave Kaiden a bath without waking him up, and layed him in his crib. I got in the shower, and I knew that everything was going to be ok. When I got out, dried off, and got dressed, I relaxed on my bed. I heard a noise in the kitchen so I went to go see what it was. To my surprise, standing there was a tall dark man, buff. I turned on the light to get a better look and he turned around. I gasped, "Trenton." I said going into a small shock state.

*Uh oh. What do you think is going to happen? Sorry its so short. Leave comments on what you think about it. Thank you so much for reading.

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