Chapter One: We're Asking Questions.

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[Your POV]

"Lauren Michelle!" I yelled out, trying to catch my girlfriend's attention. I pushed through the crowded hallway and managed to make it to her locker.

"Didn't you hear me?" I asked and Lauren shook her head. She started digging through her locker and I stared at her intently. "You're so beautiful." Lauren blushed and turned to me.

"I have to get to class before Mr. Malik has a fit." Lauren sighed dramatically as she walked away. I gave her a quick kiss goodbye before walking to my next class.

"Fucking hell." A brunette girl mumbled under her breath. She slammed her hands against her locker and I jogged over to her. I leaned against the locker besides her and she looked up at me. She had a poka dotted bow in her hair and she had glasses on. She looked extremely adorable, I couldn't help but smile. I got lost in her soft chocolate brown eyes, they were slightly different from Lauren's green orbs. She caught me staring and I felt slightly embarrassed so I spoke up.

"I can help you with that." I smiled and grabbed her schedule which had her locker combination written on it. I entered her combination but the locker wouldn't budge, I sent her a nervous smile before slamming my hands against her locker.

"Sometimes these things get stuck, but all you really need to do is give it a little nudge." The brunette girl smiled and I could feel my knees get weak. There was just something about her that made me nervous, but in a good way of course. The brunette girl glanced at her locker so I stepped back and rammed my shoulder against her locker making it swing open.

"Thank you." She said shyly. I looked at her schedule and noticed that we had our first period together.

"How come I've never seen you around?" I asked as she threw things into her backpack. She tensed up at the question but answered it anyways.

"Well I just came to this school a month ago but during the month of being here I've heard a lot about you. You sure did make a name for yourself." She closed her locker and I noticed that she had about three textbooks in her hand. I took them out of her hands and started to walk down the hallway with her.

"Camila wait up!" A girl screamed from across the hallway. I stopped walking and waited for the girl to catch up to us.

"Oh you've already got someone to walk you to class? I'll just run on ahead." The girl started walking away but I spoke up.

"Why don't we all walk together?" I suggested and the girl smiled at me. "I'm Dinah." She stuck out her hand and I shook it. "I'm Y/N." I gave her a friendly smile before turning my attention back to Camila.

"So how did you become so well known around school?" Camila asked and I shrugged. Dinah scoffed and shoved me playfully. "You had to do something."

"I tried out for soccer freshman year, I made it in the varsity team and now I'm dating the cheerleader captain who's a Junior. Her name's Lauren, she's pretty great." I said nonchalantly and Dinah raised an eyebrow at me. "It was that easy, huh?" Dinah asked and I smiled.

"If keeping up with schoolwork and having everyone rely on you to keep your grades up while playing soccer is easy then I guess so,yeah. It's especially hard for me since I'm the best on the team and I was chosen by my coach to be team captain." I always sounded confident when I talked about my reputation at school and I'm guessing Camila noticed since she smiled after I was done talking.

"I've never watched you play. I'm not sure if you're as good as you say you are." Camila linked her arm with mine and I smiled.

"If you want to figure out if I'm good, I guess you'll have to come to one of my games on Friday." I offered and Camila accidentally tripped, making me drop the textbooks on the floor. Dinah quickly picked them up and handed them back to me.

"Who gave you so many books to carry?" Dinah asked and Camila huffed.

"Our history teacher, what's his name? Oh yeah Mr.Payne." She responded and I smirked.

"Well Mr.Payne is a pain in the ass." I tried cracking a joke and Camila burst out laughing. Dinah rolled her eyes and shook her head disapprovingly.

"You two and your corny jokes. If y/n wasn't dating the cheerleader captain, you and her would totally make a cute couple." Dinah said as she nudged Camila. Camila started blushing and I linked our arms together.

"So are you coming to my game on Friday?" I whispered into her ear and Camila just shrugged.

"You'll just have to see." I kissed her cheek and she smiled. The late bell rung and we both ran inside the classroom.

"Today I will assign everyone a partner. Not only will you be working on a project with them but you will also be sitting next to them for the rest of the year, so I suggest you learn how to get along." Mr.Payne sat on his desk and started to read names off a slip of paper. I turned my attention back to Camila who was chewing on her bottom lip. I don't know why but I found it slightly attractive.

"Camila Cabello and Y/N Y/LN." Mr.Payne said, ripping me out of my trance. "Y/N can you please take a seat next to Ms.Cabello?" Mr.Payne asked nicely and I nodded. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and sat next to Camila.

"Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane Hansen." Mr.Payne said and I smiled. Normani always used to talk about Dinah in the locker room. Normani took a seat next to me and I nudged her.

"You got lucky this year. You got to sit down next to your soon to be girlfriend." I raised my voice slightly and Normani glared at me.

"The project will be due anytime during the year. It's your choice, you can hand it in next week or you can hand it in on the last day of school. I'm giving you a long time to do it and there's a reason why. If you and your partner figure out the right reason, then you'll pass my class with an A and you get a free trip." Mr.Payne pointed at Dinah who was raising her hand.

"Free trip to where?" Dinah asked excitedly and Mr.Payne smiled. "The winners will choose where they want to go." Camila tapped my shoulder and I turned to her. You could see the excitement in her eyes, she smiled widely and I spoke up.

"We can work on the project after my game on Friday. That is, if your free on Friday. I'm sure a pretty girl like you has a lot of plans." I whispered into Camila's ear and she started blushing. "Cutie." I kissed her cheek quickly, making her giggle.

"What's so funny Camila?" Mr. Payne asked seriously and Camila's smile turned into a frown.

"I just told her a joke." I scratched the back of my neck nervously, hoping that he'd let it go. Mr. Payne nodded and turned his back to the class. Camila leaned in next to my ear and said something I didn't expect.

"This is definitely going to be a fun year."


This chapter might suck but I promise you that it'll get better!

We're Too Different [Camila/You]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें