Chapter 16

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She'd only seen him as cold and manipulative at first but from time to time, she'd catch a glimpses of the real thing. Grace couldn't believe she'd lost sight of him again. Forgetting all about her shopping spree, she starts walking back to her apartment with a few short but sweet memories re-playing themselves in her head.


Grace had overslept that day, which was unusual for her, no matter how late she went to bed. Damn. Eisuke's coffee would be late ... unless he'd already ordered room service. Taking the stairs up to his room two at a time, she's surprised to see him sitting on one of the sofas with his laptop. No coffee was on the table.

"Morning. Sorry, I overslept ..." she apologizes.



"Hurry up and make me my coffee. I want it within five minutes."

"Alright. But umm ... were you waiting till I woke up to get coffee? You could've just ordered room service, you know. It would've been faster."

"Then I would have to put the milk and sugar in it myself." he says, as if the thought had never occurred to him.

"... Do you not want to do that?"

"And go back to something myself when I'm using to someone else doing it for me? Don't be stupid. Hurry up and make me my coffee how I like it."

"Diabetic coffee coming right up." she grinned, making her way over to his kitchen.

Though she purposefully pretended not to notice the glaring Eisuke behind her, she was over the moon that he had been waiting all this time for her coffee.


And then there was the time where she slept in his bed.

Grace had woken up that morning to Eisuke holding her in one of his arms. He was sleeping on one of them and the other was wrapped firmly around her waist, as if she were his pillow or something. She'd never looked at him this closely before but now she could see how long his eyelashes were.

Suddenly, both of them flicker open.

"Oh... Good morning."

"Why are you staring at me?"

"S-Sorry.. I only just woke up too and you were really close, so..."

"You're ridiculously warm, you know that?"

"Am I?"

"Yes. The air conditioning in here is too cold. Sleeping with a human radiator like you is just right." Suddenly, his sweet smile is in place once again for just a few seconds before the smirk returns. "You can sleep in here sometimes. Be my body pillow."

"Nice. First the coffee machine, then the radiator, and now the body pillow. Awesome."

"Be quiet."


As she made her way back to her apartment, Grace realized that he needn't tell her any of those things if he did really hated her. And the Eisuke she'd met at first, she doubted would've tolerated her sarcasm.

Eisuke, i'm so so sorry ...

Just as she was about to turn the corner which would've taken her too her flat, she suddenly remembered Ichiro. She needed to tell him her decision too ... She couldn't put off answering him any longer now that she knew how she felt. Grace knew that he would be at the hospital as he was working today, so she turned away from her flat and headed towards it.

In A Lifetime ( KBTBB : Eisuke Ichinomiya )Where stories live. Discover now