Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up feeling utterly beaten. For some reason, I hadn't been able to sleep at all and had spent most of last night reading a book named 'Blood Brothers'. It was about twin brothers who'd been separated at birth when their mother gave one of them away and how one of them grows up in a very poor household and the other in a very rich one. I'd very much hoped it had a good ending as I needed to having something to lift my mood. However, I ended up feeling even more depressed than I was to begin with as both twins ended up getting shot by the 'foster' mother of the one who grew up in the rich household, seconds after their real mother revealed to them that they were twins. What made it worse was that I'd stayed up late enough to finish the whole book in one night and it was nearing 6am when I finally put it down.

And the alarm had the number 6:37 displayed on it. Just above 30 minutes of sleep.

Exactly what I needed right now.

With a deep sigh, I swing the bed covers off myself and get out of the bed. The alarm clock showed the numbers 6:39 so it was extremely early. Maybe I could go on a jog ... ? I was never much of a running person, though. I was never that sporty and I'd had a love-hate relationship with PE all my school life and the one sport I'd actually been motivated to do was Netball. However, after I'd started medical school, I'd had no time for it and stopped sporting all together until I discovered that having a little jog in the morning before classes started actually did manage to relieve stress. Not to mention make me feel a lot more awake and refreshed.

After all Mr Ichinomiya hadn't really said that he had anything planned for today so it should be fine, right? And, it was really early so I'm sure he wasn't even awake yet and I'd be back by the time he was up anyway which meant that he wouldn't even have to know.

And what he didn't know, couldn't hurt him, right?

Nodding to myself, I pick up a few toiletries before heading to the bathroom where I quickly finish up after brushing my teeth. I leave the bathroom and open one of the luggage's and find my black running capris and grey tank top before pulling them on. Then I grab my ankle socks and trainers and put them on as well before taking out my water bottle and running back into the bathroom sink to fill it up. Afterwards, I got the wireless heart rate monitor and activity wristband which I had been given for my birthday 3 years ago and strapped it on my wrist and also picked up the ancient iPod shuffle. Putting makeup on would be no use right now so I simply put some lip balm on and grab my ear buds and the penthouse elevator's key card before leaving the room and shutting the door behind me quietly. I'd thought to take the pager too but Mr Ichinomiya couldn't page me in his sleep so I didn't think there would be a problem with leaving it here.

I take the stairs down to the lounge two at a time and feel a sense of relief settle over me as I see none of the guys there. Thanking the gods, whoever they may be, I get in the elevator and press the 'G' button on it which I hoped meant 'Ground floor' like in the elevators back in the UK. As I wait for the elevator doors to open, I push in the ear buds and choose the first song without even looking at the iPod. Less than seconds later, there's a blaring in my ears which, in fact, served as a very good distraction and soon enough —- though I don't hear it —- the elevator dings and opens its doors.

I step outside the elevator and into the lobby to find it as busy as ever but not as much as last night when Mr Ichinomiya introduced me as his girlfriend. I push the thought away to stop myself from feeling depressed once again and exit the hotel before running off in a random direction.


Unfortunately, as always, luck wasn't on my side.

I'd somehow lost track of time completely and once I realized it, I was too late. The wristband had said it was already 8:28 which meant that even if I sprinted back to the hotel at top speed, it wouldn't be any use because Mr Ichinomiya would be awake by now and ready to kill me before I even stepped inside the Tres Spades. And for the cherry on top, I was completely and utterly lost.

In A Lifetime ( KBTBB : Eisuke Ichinomiya )Where stories live. Discover now