Chapter 14

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"You seemed fairly down over the past few days. I was worried. Are you feeling alright?" Ichiro asks as they enter the Tres Spades the next day and head towards it's bar. "But then again, if you're well enough to be drinking, everything must be alright."

"Has it been that obvious, though?"

"Yeah, I think even Akiyama's been trying to lay off you lately. If you want someone to talk to though, I'd be glad. You know that, right?"

They enter the flashy bar and take seats at the counter. Grace had doubts whether they could afford the place but Ichiro had assured her that it wasn't as pricey as the rest of the hotel.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks, Ichiro."

"Don't sweat it. What do you want to drink?"

"Uhh, I really have no idea what type of drinks there are. Can you order for me?"

"So you meant it when you said you never really drank."


"You don't have to force yourself to come here for me. We can go, even now, if you don't want to drink."

"No, Ichiro, I'm fine. Drinking a little will get my mind off things."

"... If you says so." he mutters, before turning to the bartender. "Two gimlets, please."

Gently clinking their glasses together, though not making a toast to anything, the pair start on their drinks. A relaxing, classical piece is played on the piano behind them, and Grace immediately recognizes the familiar tune-- it was 'Fur Elise' by Beethoven. She'd played that many times on her violin and a sentimental smile appears on her face as she remembers her high school.

"You're finally smiling." comments Ichiro, bringing Grace back from a little stroll down memory lane.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. It's the music."

"You've heard it before?"

"Yeah, I learned it on my violin. It was a long, long time ago, though."

"You play an instrument?"

"Played, would be more correct. I finished the last violin exam in my last year of school but after that, I had very little time so I drifted from it." she paused, staring down at the drink in her hand and swirling the last bit left of it from side to side. "I think it's been a good few years since picked up a violin."

"That's too bad. You said you finished all your exams, does that mean you were at the highest possible place with it?"


"So you could've followed a musical career?"

"I guess I could've but I never wanted to make a job out of my music and I don't intend to either. I'd like to keep it as a 'just for fun' thing, if you know what I mean."

"I understand. But me, I've always wanted to be a music teacher."

"What? Really? What are you doing in a hospital then?"

"Ahhh, see, I said I like music. I never said I was good at it."

"Ichiro, that's a really bad excuse. You might not have the natural talent or whatever but if you had still pursued your dreams, then that in itself is a talent anyway."

"But I'm doing something I'm good at now."

"Maybe, but if it doesn't make you happy, then even doing 'what you're good at' is still no use. You're only ever going to be fully motivated if you love what you're doing."

"Since when did you become an expert?"

"Puh-lease. I was born an expert."

Like this, Ichiro and Grace keep talking about some more random topics while having a, not crazy, but considerable amount of drinks. Most of their topics are fairly chill but suddenly, Ichiro turns toward Grace after ordering a refill.

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