Author's Note -- I

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Hello, readers. I know I've been keeping you waiting for a while now, and I am sincerely sorry for that. I am still adamant about wanting to complete this story and have new ideas for it as well but I'm just a bit lacking in motivation right now. And, I'm going to take a moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to PM me and to comment support because it really means a lot and you're all awesome people and I love you <3 

Also, I've read through the past chapters and they seem extremely unsatisfactory with the writing quality. Trust me, I'm not being modest right now. I genuinely cringe every time I look back and read one of the previous chapters at how illiterate it sounds. Therefore, I've made the decision to revert back into third person perspective  as first person is just awkward and uncomfortable to me. Third person also allows me room for a lot more detail and without detail, I don't see much point to a story. Plus, I can also give a glimpse of how all the characters are feeling, instead of just the character who's POV I'm writing in (which is going to be Grace 90% of the time). 

I've written a part of Chapter 10 in first person already though, so I'll be leaving that part as it as but it will eventually revert to third person. Of course, I will notify you in the chapter when that is happening. 

In any case, thank you for your patience and support. I can this say this from the bottom of my heart, that I do appreciate every last bit of it because it means a ton that you care and enjoy my writing. I promise to try my hardest at being more reliable from now on and to get chapters out a little more consistently. I might also try making them a little shorter from now on as it means I'll get them out faster. 

Thank you for your time.

All my love,                                                                                                                                                                                     Aliieva

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