Chapter 11- Tipping the Balance

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(F/F) - Favorite Flavor
(C/F) - Cake Flavor

EDIT: Aaah I accidentally put Chapter 10 instead of 11. Sorry if you guys got confused DX

Your P.O.V

The sky was starting to turn a beautiful orange, but it seemed like no one had left. Ah, my favorite time of the day, Twilight. The time of the day where it's most peaceful, the time of the day that makes me feel slightly gregarious. It's good to be around people every once and a while. Even if they're strangers. Many more people started to stroll around the streets. Me and BEN went to the heart of town after that crazy ride and a few rounds of cotton candy. A fountain sat proudly in the center of town square. Speckles of light danced and flew around them as the reflections of the pristine, glistening water in which the light of the sun had shone upon. That made it look even more majestic. I've never seen anything like that before. Slightly, the sight soothed me.

The crowd shared similar awed looks as they stared into the mystical fountain. It looked other worldly. Whoever made this had outdone themselves. It was really pretty.

BEN stood beside me with a little grin, while I was stunned by it's beauty. Staring at it more intently, I saw.. Pixels? They only appeared translucently for a mere second, then they disappeared. No one else seemed to notice them but me.

"Did you see that?" I slowly asked BEN. "See what?" He said, not sparing me a glance. He instead just gazed into the waters of the fountain with the same proud expression.

The scenery just seemed to just grow more prettier and prettier the longer we looked. But the crowds of people slowly diminished and only small groups were left. And still, I noticed occasional flickers of pixel-like things.

"I expected a threat on my life today and a few insulting nicknames, but none came." I said, opening up a conversation. BEN didn't spare me a glance as he continued gazing at the fountain.

"..I just realized that haven't directly asked you this yet, What's your story?" I asked him.

"Why do you ask?"

"We're gonna be stuck in this whole situation for a long while. Might as well talk about something." I shrugged. "I find it weird that I'm actually hanging out with..." I trailed.
"A murderer?" BEN finished for me, he was back to his monotonic self. But he quickly masked that tone with a cocky grin.
"You must've been staring quite intensely then, for you to notice such small signs." He remarked. I scoffed. "Oh, don't flatter yourself, your highness. Not everyone in this world 'll swoon over you." I retorted sarcastically.

After a while of hurling sarcastic remarks to each other, BEN's facial expression slowly grew serious. He opened his mouth so say something but shut it again, hesitating on whether or not to speak. In his eyes, I saw a hurricane of emotions.

"..I had a friend once. But she was taken away by the facility. And it's all my fault." He said, Eyes cast downwards. He looked like he wanted to say much more. His words were slowly picked and hesitantly said.
"I lived only for her and her sake. Nothing else had ever mattered except her, not even my own life. She didn't deserve the fate she received." A bitter-sweet smile appeared on BEN's face. His eyes turned into a tender shade of scarlet."You need to know that I'm hunting down members of the facility not because of selfishness. I'm doing it for her." He said, traces of a smile disappearing from his face.

".. Those fuckers will pay for fucking up everything I had." He said in a dangerously low tone, looking back into the fountain with his eyes turning back into a vicious red. The atmosphere around me turned cold. It made me nervous a little.

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