Chapter 6

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"I want to do it right this time," Leo tells me as we're cuddled on the couch watching some movie that neither of us were really paying attention to.


"I want to make it publicly known that we're dating, and that I have a son," he firmly responds to me. I wasn't expecting that.

"Por que, mi amor?" I ask him. I thought everything was going well the way it was for the past few months.

"If I don't, then the press will never let it go trying to find out who you are and that would endanger you. I can't put you through that."

"I've dealt with the press before, Leo," I remind him, thinking of all the times they've bombarded me while I was with Cris.

Leo sighs, "Por favor? It'll give me a piece of mind while I'm away for games. And the club won't be pressuring us to be apart, it'll be bad press if they do."

"Ok. If it'll help you, and us with the club," I finally give in, "But you know what this means, right?" After he gives me a confused look, I go on. "I have to tell my family." His eyes got wide before realizing what this meant; Cristiano.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Leo asks helping me pack for my trip to Madrid. I'm going to spend the weekend with Cris and Junior, and announce my relationship to Cris.

"I'm sure, I can handle Cris, mi Rey," I tell him. "Sure, he won't be happy, he's never happy not being the only guy in my life, but I'm sure he'll be fine after he cools off."

I give Leo a kiss on the cheek before heading off to Thiago's nursery. The little boy and I have really bonded since I've been staying with him while Leo has gone away to games, since I don't go to games due to not being a doctor, although Ramon told me I may have to start attending games, which upset me because I didn't want to lose my time with T.

When I reach Thiago and pick him up, I give him a kiss and ask if he'll be good for Valentina and his papi while I was gone. Of course, his only response was a giggle and clapping. I chuckle at the little boy, "Of course you will be, amor."


As the train arrives in Madrid, I text Leo to tell him I made it safely. He replied instantly, which confused me since he was supposed to be in training. "How come you aren't in training?" I message back while disembarking the train. "I told coach how you were traveling today and needed to have my phone on me in-case of emergency." He responds. "Get back to training #10." I respond before spotting a driver who had my name on a board. Gee, thanks Cris. Couldn't even pick me up, I think to myself.

"Senhora Aviero?" The older gentleman asks.


"Mr. Ronaldo apologizes for not being able to come, but he has training before Sunday's game and will be home when you arrive." He explains.

I just give him a small smile as a response.


I walk into Cris's house and before I could even ask where they were, Junior jumps on me, causing me to almost fall over at the surprise.

"Olá, bebê," I say carrying him to the common room. "Como você está?"

"I'm good, Tia, I'm getting a puppy tomorrow!" Junior yells excitedly.

"Really? What kind?" I respond, just as excited.

"I don't know what its called, but I'm naming it Neuer," my nephew tells me.

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