Chapter 28

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I woke up half laying on Leo, with my head on his chest while his hand laid on my still flat stomach. I smile softly and nuzzle into his bare chest, causing him to stir.

"Todo bien, mi amor?" he mumbles softly. I nod my head and sigh contently.

"Does this mean I can start planning announcements and names and-"

"Leo, one thing at a time," I chuckle softly. He smirks back, knowing he was overwhelmingly me just so I would at least start thinking of them.

"Ok... how are we going to announce?" He asks, running his hand softly of my stomach. I smile at the motion, "Well, first I need to go to the doctor to confirm it, but... I think I want to wait to announce. Just let this be our little secret for now."

"Y Thiago?"

"I want to tell him after his birthday. Let him be able to celebrate his last birthday alone."

He nods and rolls over to his side to be facing me with a huge grin on his face, "I don't think I've ever been this happy. Gracias." I smile and move so that he's on his back and I'm straddling his shirtless form, before bending down and molding our lips together.

I break apart to catch our breath, "Leo, you've made me the happiest girl in the world... First with Thiago, now with this baby."

"Trust me, it was my pleasure," he says winking at me and running his hand over my stomach, "Now about names-"

"Mami! Papi!" Thiago shouts, barging into our room and jumping on our bed as I quickly move so I'm no longer in a compromising position.

"Yes, T?" I ask, pulling him in-between Leo and I, while Leo places his arms around us.

"We stay here and watch movies," he demands.

"In bed?" Leo questions moving to grab the tv remote off the nightstand. Thiago nods his head vigorously and snuggles into my side as his dad moves downstairs to get us something to eat. He returns with some fruit and cereal which we both greedily take.

The three of us just played in bed for the day and watched any movie Thiago pleased.


"Hola, Señorita Aveiro, what can I do for you?" the nurse asks walking into the sterile room where Leo and I sat.

"I think I'm pregnant," I told her, still a bit shaky on the idea. Leo grabbed my hand reassuring me everything was ok. The nurse nods her head and rights down something on her clipboard, "Ok, we'll draw some blood and take it for testing. If it is positive, we'll do an ultrasound to date it."

I hold out my arm and just look to Leo. I always hated needles, so his presence comforted me to not be as squeamish as I usually am. Once it was finished, the nurse capped off the tube and told us that she would be back in 15-20 minutes with the results.

"Marisol, we know the results. This is purely a formality and a check up to make sure everything is ok," Leo tells me rubbing my arm up and down. We sit there and talk about training that he's going through tonight, since he can finally resume light training.

"Congratulations, it looks like you two are going to be parents!" The nurse walks in with a smile on her face. Leo walks over and hugs me and I shed a tear. It was finally real.

"So from the information you gave us I'm going to estimate that you're around 14 weeks pregnant, which means you can hear the heartbeat, and you're out of the first trimester."

"Wait. We can hear the heartbeat already?"

She nods kindly and points for me to lay down on the examination seat. "How did I miss the entire first trimester?"

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