Chapter 29: Miracles

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This morning, Cecilia woke up happy.

Of course, this sentence normally wouldn't have that much of a meaning to anyone, but to her it did. Today it did.
Because for once in the last few months her brain didnt dwell on last nights 'costumers' or what they made her do. Because today, as soon as she opened her eyes, her mind was captured by the mesmerizing view of the coffee mug on her night table. A rather normal sight for everyone else, but not her. A small giggle escapes her lips as she lets her gaze wander across the room, taking in every inch of the colors on the picture on the wall or the wooden floor which was covered with a fluffy white carpet. Because for once since she was 5 years old, since her world became darkness, she could finally see the light of day again.
Her eyes wander back to the sleeping figure in the bed next to hers. A breathtaking beautiful brunette which she had the luxury of calling her friend.
Cecilia waited, for someone to pinch her so she would wake up from this dream, but then again, none of her dreams were this detailed. This was reality.
Finally she throws back her duvet and gets up from bed getting dizzy in the process.
She takes the robe from the chair next to her bed and quietly makes her way towards the balcony. The doors make no sound as she opens them carefully and steps out into the cold morning air. Her mouth formes an astonished 'o' as she leans forward against the railing, taking in the beautiful landscape that streches several miles infront of her. The bright green grass that swayed in the wind like it was a coreography to a heautiful melody, the people who were crossing the streets in colorful clothes, happily chatting away, sipping their coffees was a sight that was so foreign, yet so familiar to Cecilia. A sight she thought she would never experience again.
The grey color of the balcony railing, the brown and black horses waiting infront of a house, the darkblue almost black pond not 10 meters away from her , it was like art to her eyes.

"Cecilia? What are you doing out here? Arent you freezing?", Sandra's sleepy voice echoes through her brain making her turn around with a big smile on her face.
She sees Sandras eyes widen in shock as she takes a step closer.
"A-are crying?", she almost whispers, before pulling Cecilia into a hug,"whats wrong , dear?"
Cecilia doesnt dare close her eyes, instead she lets the tears go, as if she has never cried in her life before.
"I see you...", she says with a mixture of a laugh and a sob,"I finally see you, Sandra."


"What is it oldtimer?", Liam asks as soon as he answers his phone.
"Hello to you too nice of you to call me..and you know, tell me that you were at Dubois house to tell him everything !", Pablo retorts sarcastically, making Liam roll his eyes.
"This is about his daughter, he deserves to know.", he answers in a bored tone as he pushes two tourists aside.
"Oh please! Now you want to play the gracious one!", Pablo exclaims,"Do you really think that telling him, we are going to start a war against one of New Yorks fucking most dangerous criminals, who is also holding his only daughter captive, will ease his mind?"
"Whatever.", Liam huffs as a delivery guy bumps into him, whom he sends scurrying off with a glare, New York was hell during lunch time quiet literally,"i spoke to that pimp today, the one who's holding some of Moriarty's girls."
"And?", was all that came from the other side.
"Macchiato with extra cream .", Liam tells the guy at the coffee stand and then to Pablo,"well i pretended to be interested in one of his girls and arranged a 'meeting' tomorrow with one of them. Of course, i couldnt ask him about Cecilia since that would raise suspitions. So I'll ask the girl tomorrow."
"Do you even know her name?", Pablo asks as the guy at the counter gives Liam his coffee.
"Yeah, i think it was Sandra or....Sandy or something like that.", he retorts, blowing into the still steaming hot coffee.
"How do you know she knows anything about Cecilia, though?", Pablo asks, which takes Liam by surprise. He hesitates, not sure if he knew the answer to that himself.
"I dont know.", he then answers slowly,"im just sick of killing people day in and day out and still not being one single step closer to finding her. This seemed like a plausible second option until we have something."
"Whatever...", Pablo finally sighs,"just...just dont get yourself killed."
Liam laughs at that , taking a sip of his coffee.
"Have some more faith in me, oldie!", he exclaims before hanging up and entering his destination building.


"Will! Gosh i havent seen you in years!", Rushmore exclaims, as he enters the packed garage approaching the guy named Will with open arms,"what have you done with your hair, its different. I love it!"
Will, whom clients called 'the Tracker', laughed at his friend, brushing his hand through his hair.
"Robert, to what do i owe the pleasure?", he then asks.
"Ah well, you see, i need a very big favor from you.", Rushmore starts, taking a seat on an empty beer holder,"i know that you've been tracking people for Giorgio recently. Michelle Fuchser and Tobias Ruppert if im correct.", Rushmore continues earning a questioning look from the Tracker,"i remember them. Very smart people indeed, making the Heroinmarket their own in such a short time. Very impressive, i must say."
"What do you need, Robster?", Tracker asks now giving his supervisor a pointed look.

"I need you to cut all business ties with Giorgio and work for me fully.", Rushmore says non-chalantly while fixing his tie.
The Tracker, and his followers stop everything and suddenly an eerie silence fills the garage, while everyone looks at Rushmore. There must he something big going on between the two partners, the Tracker knew that much, something which wouldnt end well.
"Why would i do that, no offense, but you cant just come in here...after years and expect something like that from me.", the Tracker says.
"Your doubts are justified, yes even understandable, my friend.", Rushmore chuckles,"but you need to unterstand this. Giorgio doublecrossed me and our agreements, he wants to stir up a war against me. A war i do not intend to loose.", he pauses,"So i came here to ask you for a favor. To help me win this war. Because it was I, who helped you up when you had nothing. Not him. I was the one who gave you exsistence, a name and power! It was me who did all of this, without questioning, before he came!", Rushmore pauses again looking at everyone,"so all im asking for, is to abandon him. Im not asking you to fight with me. But to weaken him so I stand a better chance!"
Nothing but pure silence, greets Rushmore as he waits for the Tracker and his followers to answer. And after the couple of months he had, he was prepared for the worst.

Suddenly the Tracker steps forward, putting a hand on the businessmans shoulder.
"We will do as you ask, my friend.", he finally says, making Rushmore let out a sigh of relief.
"But under one circumstance.", the Tracker continues.
Rushmore frowns.
"And that would be...?"
"That you let us kill that motherfucker!", the Tracker answers making his whole crew roar and holler in agreement.


Sorry for the delay!
Hope you enjoyed!
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