Chapter 9: Trusting old people

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"You have to eat something!", Cecilia exclaims as she leans onto the kitchen counter, huffing out of frustration. Liam was quiet stubborn. He had woken up just an hour ago and Cecilia had guided him down to the kitchen, or moreover he had guided her down. She had already eaten while he refused to eat one bite, claiming he had to head out again.
"Cecilia, i appreciate your hospitality and your concern, but i really am good now. I have to go.", Liam retorts, with an amusing smirk plastered on his face. Theres no way he would be staying here with a complete stranger for two days.
"So you're feeling better? Are you sure?", Cecilia asks frowning.
"Completely sure. It was just a small scratch.", Liam says, hoping she would buy his lie. But she wasnt having any of it, giving him a look of disapproval. She felt her way towards the kitchen table so she was standing infront of Liam, who had raised to his feet aswell. She puts her hands on his shoulders feeling him tense up from a touch as simple as that.
Cecilia smiles as her left hand brushes down his shoulder until she finds the bandaged spot. She dabs her finger at the wound, a little to harshly making him hiss out in pain and sink back onto the chair. "Fuck!", he growls, clutching the bandaged spot. Cecilia just chuckles while sitting down in the chair next to him. "Language!", they hear Martha shout from the living room. Liam raises his brow, confused while Cecilia laughes out loud. Martha had never been a fan of cussing, she remembered when her dad said a cussword once Martha almost exploded, which was very funny back then. Now it was just becoming annoying.
"Just a small scratch, huh?", Cecilia asks, though they both knew it was a rethorical question.
"Fine.", Liam sighs a small smile playing on his lips,"its not a small scratch, but you cant possibly expect me to sleep in a strangers house. I dont even know you."
Cecilia just waves his protest away with her hand and raises from her chair.
"Then we'll get to know eachother while you're here. Im sure we'll be great friends, by the time you'll leave.", she laughs, making her way out of the kitchen,"now eat. I'll be waiting in the garden!"
Liam pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and sighing. He normaly knew how to act and what to do but right now, he found himself feeling utterly clueless. He had never been in this kind of situation, before. A girl, he barely knew, was offering him or more forcing him to stay here and actually recover from the bullet wound. He never was the kind to lie down and take a pause from his job. Even when he had broken his leg in a terrible way, a few months ago, he still took a new job, two days later. But now that he was actually, well kind of, resting he realized what he had missed.
He surpresses a yawn and takes a sip out of the steaming, hot coffee.
She wasnt easily fooled and she saw through his lie immediately.
He had never dealt with this kind of woman before. The women he knew were all tall, stupid and mostly horny blonds (A/N: all my blonde readers, please dont take this personally!) Not that he was complaining about it but now that he was facing a smart, sharp minded and different kind of woman, he felt uncomfortable. He didnt know what to say to her. He shakes his head at his thoughts.
Eventhough she was blind, she moved around the house smoothly like a person with full eye sight. He wondered why she hadnt taken Rushmore's offer a few weeks ago while washing the rest of the pancake down with his coffee.
He raises from the chair and makes his way towards the entrance door, opening it with a jolt almost ripping it out of it's hinges. The fresh summer breeze blew in his face almost immediately. He looks out and spots his car, parked infront of the steps. For a brief second he thought about making a run for it and getting out of this place. But then he spotted that girl, Cecilia, sitting in the garden, on a chair, talking to one of the maids and his feet just started walking towards Cecilia. His job required him to be heartless, ready to kill a person at any moment, that is why he never had friends in his entire life. Yes, he had colleagues he had to rely on when doing certain missions, but that immediately ended when the target was confessing a crime, captured or dead. But when he looked at her, he just saw sincerety, kindness and nothing else. He learned that every person, even the most kind ones, have a bad side. They have a urge to fool somebody into something, stab a kife in their back when they trust them the most. These people loose their purity, their innocence when they grow up, but Cecilia was different. When she would turn her blind eyes at Liam he couldn't see any of the sick and twisted intentions other people have. Thats why he, when he took that first step towards the garden, towards her, he finally decided to trust someone again. To let somebody in after years and years of loneliness and mistrusting. And that somebody, he hoped, would be Cecilia.


"What are you doing?", Liam asks, while slowly letting himself sink into another chair next to Cecilia. She smiles at the sudden presence and tilts her head towards his voice.
"Nothing much really. Angelique over here is reading a letter for me, you know, since im blind as fuck.", she laughs and both Liam's and Angelique's eyes go wide at her choice of words.
"What?", Cecilia asks sensing the shock,"im allowed to say that. Wait... Is Martha standing behind me? Is that it?"
Liam chuckles, shaking his head. "No she's not. Dont worry.", he glances at the maid briefly, before continuing,"we were simply not expecting you to say that."
Cecilia looks at Liam and gives him a are you serious- look. "Why? Because you're used to old people's talk? Are you what...forty?", Cecilia asks teasingly, flashing him a cheeky grin. Liam smiles and decides to play along. He gasps jokingly and places his hand over his heart. "Young lady! That wasnt very nice! You hurt my feelings!", Liam scolds her in a british accent. He used to do missions in Great Britain every once in a while, thats why he developed a rather good british accent.
Cecilia looks at him impressed. "Wow, that was..amazing!", she laughes,"but seriously, please tell me you are not forty!"
Liam throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh for the first time in his life. He was enjoying this way too much.
"No! What makes you think that?", he asks in between laughing.
She shrugs and leans back in her chair.
"Maybe the fact that you're hanging out with your..what was it? Cousin? Who is, by the way, a hundred years old!", she exclaims, now laughing herself.
"I was just paying him a visit, thats all. And no im not forty, nor am i a hundred years old!", he laughs, finally relaxing in his chair,"im twenty-seven."
Cecilia lets out a big breath wiping some invisible sweat from her forehead. "Thank god.", she simply says and soon they start laughing again.
"I gotta say. You're not that bad actually.", Liam, admitts after a longer silence.
Cecilia raises an eyebrow but keeps her eyes closed. "Yeah? How did you think I was?", she asks, sounding curious.
"Well, i thought that you are an annoying, selfish brat that thinks she owns the world just because her daddy pays for all of her clothes.", Liam retorts, looking at her intently waiting for her reaction.
She simply shrugs, which took him by surprise. "Seems accurate.", she says and smiles, "but I assure you in the total opposite."
"I noticed.", he replys before asking her further," what did you think of me?"
Cecilia shrugs again before answering in a nonchalant tone. "I simply wondered if you really are a hundred years old, just like your cousin."
They both start laughing again, and for the first time in a long time, Liam found himself feeling comfortable in another persons company.

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