Chapter 4 : Struggle and Foreign Countries

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1 month later

Liam's earpiece crackles as he dodges another bullet, jumping behind a turned over table.
"What?!", Liam hisses, trying not to draw too much attention while reloading his gun.
"You need to come back right now!", he hears his Superior shout through his earpiece, making his ears hurt for a second.
"Are you kidding? Im working!", Liam growls and lies flat against the table as one of the attackers runs by, gun in one hand and in search for Liam.
Its silent on the other side for a long time as Liam is spotted by another one of the attackers and is slammed against the wall.
He coughes, punching the man square in the jaw, making him stumble back.
Liam looks for the gun that must have fallen out of his hand when the man tackled him and right in that moment he is pressed against the wall yet again but this time he wasnt able to breath, due to the man who had his elbow pressed against his throat.
"Interpole and the FBI have heard word about our organisation. You need to disappear as fast as possible!", his Superior shouts making Liam stop struggling against the mans grip.
That wasnt good. If they found him, he would never leave jail again.
Anger starts boiling inside of him. Anger on himself for even joining this damn company. Anger at his Superior, for being so careless. Liam then takes the attackers arm yanking it downwards and breaking it with his knee. The man yells out in pain, alarming the others.
He grabs the mans head turning it to the side in a quick motion until he hears a sickening crack. He broke his neck.
Yelling can be heard from the other rooms, while the body falls limp to the ground.
Liam looks around quickly retrieving his gun and limping out of the almost destroyed house.
He went, without ever reaching the informant he was supposed to get from upstairs.
This was the first time in years that he would go back without completing the task.
"How long until you have it under control again?", Liam then asks, limping towards his borrowed car, pushing through a group of Bazilian dancers.
"I dont know. It'll take me a couple of months the least. I will call through as soon as i clear things up...until then...just lay low.", his Superior answers and soon the line went dead.
By now Liam was sitting in the car leaning his head back tiredly.
"Shit...", he mutters, then a little louder,"SHIT!!"
He throws his fist against the wheel in anger.
He was breathing heavily, blood was trickling down his face from the wound under his eye. His leg was killing him, an attacker managed to hit him with a bullet.
He sighs and starts the engine of the car, driving through the packed streets of Brazil. There were people everywhere, making it hard for Liam to reach the hotel he was staying in. Eventually, he parked his car somewhere on the streets, and started walking the rest of the way, thinking that he might be faster.
On his way he dials the only number he had on his phone and waits until a sleepy Pablo picks it up.
"What the hell?",Pablo growls.
"It's me, old man. Listen, i wont be coming back for a while.", Liam informs while pushing a couple aside, rudely.
"What? Why?", he asks, sounding beyond confused.
"Ah, well. Apparently the comany i am working for is not capable of staying secret. Interpole and the FBI are investigating.", Liam explains already nearing the crappy hotel he would be staying in. Well, at least they got a bar.
"Where are you?", Pablo asks. "Brazil. I was supposed to get an informant out of here.", Liam mutters,"That fuckface of a boss called me before i could do so, telling me to hide. So thats what im currently trying to do."
Liam hears his mentor sigh heavily.
"You want me to come ?", he then asks.
Liam laughs at that before answering.
"No, im just telling you to lay low yourself. Your hands arent that clean either.",he pauses,"I'll call you when im in America again."


"Dad?", Cecila calls, while knocking on his bedroom door.
She hears grunting from inside and then a mumbled 'Come in' before she opens the door and goes inside.
"Sweetheart. What are you doing up so late?", her father mutters, sleepiness still in his voice.
"I-i couldn't sleep. Also, i havent seen you in two weeks and i missed you.", Cecilia stutters slowly feeling her way across the room to her fathers bed. She hears him shuffle around and sigh heavily, but say nothing further. She stops at the end of the bed suddenly unsure if it really was a good idea to come here.
She feels her fathets hand take hers and pull her towards him into his warm arms.
"Im sorry, babygirl. You know that im working hard.", her father says tiredly while stroking her hair softly.
Cecilia closes her eyes and hugs him tighter. She had missed her dad and in moments like this she found herself being in peace at last.
"Dad...", she starts and sighs,"you're hurting..."
She feels his breath hitching and immediately knew that she was right.
" gotta talk to me.", she urges squeezing his side,"its just us two now. Us against the world."
Her father sighs. "I know, sweetheart, i know.", he pauses searching for words," i miss your mother very much... but you know what has kept me going the past year?"
"What?", Cecila asks ask her father pulls the covers over her.
"My beautiful, strong daughter.", he answers smiling into the dark,"if it wasnt for you...i wouldn't have a purpose to live."
Theres a long silence filling the air, as Ceilia takes in her fathers words.
"I love you daddy.", Cecilia then whispers slowly drifting off to sleep.
"I love you too my little angel.", he answers.

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