Chapter 28: War

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"Are you alright, dear", the woman asks, sounding concerned as she sits down beside Cecilia. Cecilia just looks at her briefly shooting her a tired smile before she goes back to starring at the wall infront of her. She couldnt bring herself to talking.

It just hurt too much.

"It was a rough one, wasnt it?", the woman, her only friend, asks sympathetically. And just in that moment tears start to form in Cecilias eyes as she slowly turns her head to look at her friend. All she could make out was a shape of a human being infront of her, but at the moment she couldnt care less.

"It hurts..", Cecilia shakily breathes out, almost like a whisper, cursing herself for crying again," hurts so much...". Sandra sighs, fixing her hair before pulling Cecilia into a hug, rocking her from side to side in a soothing manor.

"Sweetheart, i already told you that-", Sandra starts before she is cut off by Cecilia. "that it wont get any better, i know...", Cecilia starts, sniffing,"i just thought it would get easier to deal with...."

Sandra lets out an exhausted chuckle. She knew exactly how Cecilia was feeling. She knew because just three years ago, when she first set foot into this hellhole, she found herself thinking the exact same thing.

"For women with dignity, with the last ounce of purity and pride it will never get easier, darling.", she mutters patting Cecilias tangled hair. Its silent between the two for a long time as they just sit there, each captured in their own thoughts.

"So how are your eyes doing?", Sandra asks, finally breaking the silence. Cecilias lips widen into a smile as she turns her gaze towards Sandta once again.

"Well, i see nothing but shapes and colors of the things that actually stand before me, but it gets better.", Cecilia rambles excitedly all the pain she felt seemed forgotten for a few moments,"just a few more days, and i think ill be able to see completely when i put these on.."
She pulls out a pair of glasses out of her jumper, grinning like a crazy person. Sandra looks at the fragile, smiling girl and couldnt help but admire the strength that lay within her. Despite what she has gone through the past few months that Sandra had known her now, Cecilia still managed to smile and look forward to something she wasnt even sure would actually happen. At least, Sandra wasnt sure. Of course, it was a wonder that whatever was in that serum he injected Cecilia with, could make her at least see 10%, if not the full 100%, again, but Sandra doubted that this would last long. She knew that all that pig could do was make their lives a misery and give false promises.

"That is perfect!!", Sandra exclaims chuckling,"but before that happens, lets get you cleaned up and comfy, i wanna know what happens to Katniss once she sees Peeta again."
Cecilia laughs tiredly while standing back up and making her way towards the small bathroom the two girls shared.
"I think i can do that myself now.", Cecilia responds making the other girl frown skeptically.
"Are you sure?", she asks.
"Yeah! I can see enough to make out where the shower head is actually standing! I'll be fine.", she hears Cecilia answer and soon after the sound of dripping water fills the entire room.


"I've spoken to Giorgio today..", Rushmore's voice sounds from the other side of the office room, making both Liam's and Pablo's heads shoot up.
"What did he say?", Pablo asks after Liam and him shared a glance.
"Well...nothing good as you two can imagine...", Rushmore sighs turning away from the window and looking at both men with a serious expression.
Liam blinks a few times, his brain trying to process what his boss was saying.
"Does that mean that shes...", he begins, but couldnt finish the sentence, for some reason the 'd-word' wouldn't flow out of his mouth, which surprised him since it never has been that hard before.
"Dead? I can assure you that she is not. Death would be far to easy...moreover...far less profitable for him.", Rushmore says his eyes getting darker with anger with every word he was saying.
"We'll what did he say then?", Pablo urges now, impatience clearly evident on his features.

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