Chapter 11: Clowns and Bruises

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After getting rid of Pablo somehow, Liam starts driving towards Cecilias mansion. Its dead quiet in the car, Liam had no intentions to turn on the radio. Suddenly his work phone starts vibrating. He groans cussing under his breath as he pulls out his phone while trying to drive safely at the same time.
"Yes?", he asks a little bit too harsh. He didnt know why, but he still felt some kind of anger since Pablo visited him earlier.
"Good afternoon to you too, mate.", Rushmores voice can be heard from the other line, making Liam roll his eyes.
"Whats the matter?", Liam asks annoyed, keeping his gaze fixed on the road ahead.
Sighing can be heard from the other side.
"I called to tell you that the Freshman case can wait another day. I have a more important task to give you.", Rushmore explains.
"And that would be...?", Liam urges, this phone call was taking longer than necessary and his daily dose on Rushmans voice had its limits.
"Mr. Dubois. He had been threatened again. But this time it wasnt one of his coworkers. My source says the threat is coming from someone called 'The Clown '.", Rushmore says with an amused tone in his voice.
"The Clown? Are you joking?", Liam asks skeptically. Who in their right mind calls themselves 'The Clown' ?
"Yeah, i have no idea who that is but I'd like you to take care of him as soon as possible, before he strikes.", Rushmore says before the line goes dead again.
Liam sighs, turning his car around abruptly, making the people in the cars behind him honk their cars loudly shouting some not so nice words at him, but at that moment he didnt care. He diales another number while rushing down the streets towards the Bronx.
"How nice of you to check up on me again!", Pablos annoyed voice sounds through. Liam chuckles. "I need you to tell me where this certain guy named 'The Clown' could be.", Liam then says, completely ignoring Pablos comment.
He hears him sigh before Pablo speaks up again.
"Hold on a sec."


"He still hasn't picked up his phone?", Angelique asks making Cecilia shake her head.
"Maybe he hasnt noticed its missing..", she tries to reason, but she knew that no sane person in todays days would not notice their phone missing.
"Do you want me to continue reading, or do you want some space?", Angelique asks after a short silence.
"What kind of a question is that? Of course i want you to continue!! I wanna know what happens to Peeta!", Cecilia exclaims making the maid chuckle and continue to read.


"How...cute....a....woman threatening-", Liam is soon cut off by a hard blow to the head. He groans, cussing under his breath while, 'The Clown', a woman in her late twenties chuckles at his behavior. She found this quiet amusing. She knew that Rushmore would soon get word about the death threats his best man received. Of course she had no interest in that pathetic unimportant man. The guy she needed was right infront of her, strapped to a metal chair, covered in his own blood.
Its been two hours since he 'found' them, still thinking they were after Dubois when in truth she was after Rushmores henchmen all along.
"Its quiet funny how such an intelligent man like Rushmore can be fooled like a child.", the woman laughs walking around Liam. He keeps his gaze fixed on the floor, occasionally spitting out blood that was forming in his mouth. Grinding his teeth together, he thinks about a plan B to get him out of here.
"You know, you would be dead right now, but you're lucky that you're a woman.", Liam spits glaring up at her, which seemed to amuse her even more.
She opens up her hand, still laughing, and a follower of hers puts a rather hard whip into her hand.
In a swift motion she brings it down to Liams face, the loud slap noise it makes echoing through the large warehouse. Liam's head jerks to the side and he spits out a mixture of blood and saliva that had gathered in his mouth for the thousandth time.
"What a lucky girl i am...", the woman says, trailing off at the end while continuing to circle Liam.
"What did you plan with all his henchmen anyways?", Liam growls, slowly loosing his patience. He has been lead on, and he didnt like it one bit.
"Oh well..ive planned to kill you all..", she says, a wicked grin spreading over her face,"so that leaves him utterly defenseless. Which leaves a much easier way to kill him."
"Of course...",Liam mutters, annoyed at the womans stupidity. He tries wiggling out of the chair, for the uptenth time, the previous times caused the ropes to loosen up a bit which allowed Liam to move his arms more freely.
He took that advantage and leaped towards the woman, tackeling her to the ground and breaking the chair in the process. He immediately pulls himself up, before the men, the woman's followers, start shooting. He pulls her up, taking her stunned self as an advantage and using her as a shield against all the bullets that were flying around him. Before the men even realize what was happening, the woman was already dead, slumping to the floor, lifeless. The men start shooting again, enraged by their leaders death but Liam manages to snatch a gun shooting his way to his car. Police sirens could be heared from afar as Liam jumps into his car, starting the engine immediately as bullets pierce the back of his car. Soon he rushes out of the warehouse, leaving the remaining men to the police while he made his way home. He had to clean himself up, before anybody set eyes on him.
After a while of driving through New York's streets, his phone starts buzzing and he immediately picks up, knowing that it was Rushmore.
"Any news?", was all he asks.
"Its done. The Clown wasnt after Dubois, though..", Liam informs while his car picks up the speed.
"She wanted to kill you off.", he proceeds to explain.
"Well...that is..very unfortunate.", Rushmore says with a sigh,"thank you though, Collins. You'll be free for today and tomorrow, im sure your..meeting with the Clown wasnt that pleasant. I'll call as soon as i have something new."
"Sure thing sir..", Liam answers before ending the call.
He stops the car soon after and slowly exits it, limping towards his apartment. He opens the door, kicking off his boots and closing the door behind him. Liam lets out an exhausted sigh and throws himself onto his bed, closing his eyes temporarily.
He was still angry about being lead on like that. He rubs his eyes tiredly before reaching out for his phone, suddenly remembering something.
He dials the number, and waits for her to pick up.
"Hello, Liam's phone?", her voice rings through his ears, making him smile and all of his anger was suddenly washed away.
"Cecilia? Its Liam.", he says.
"You took your time..", she laughes.
"Sorry, had a very busy day..i almost forgot that i had left it at yours.", he says truthfully, making her giggle.
"Well, do you want to stop by and get it?", she asks.
Its silent for a second as Liam struggles to find his words.
"Umm..i..i actually thought we could meet tomorrow and do something know..then i could also get it back..", he stutters, feeling a tad uncomfortable.
"Have fun?", she asks, and he could practically hear the smile in her voice,"sounds good to me!"
"Yeah? Cool.. you have anything particular in mind?...or...", he trails off scratching his neck nervously.
She laughs.
"Gosh, do you ever go out with your friends? Its no biggie! How about we go to the Central Park? I havent been there in so long!", she asks, excitement laced in her voice, which made him smile.
"Sure, im down..well see you tomorrow then..I guess.", he says.
"See you tomorrow, Liam!", she laughs and soon the line is dead.
He immediately jumps out of bed walking straight to the bathroom. He needed to tend to his bruises before they would evolve into nasty little wounds.

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