Chapter 8: Looking for Shelter

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"Rushmore dares threaten me?! ME?!", the man, Fiorelli, head of New York's second most dangerous gang, shouts,
"And he sent you? A leccapiedi (Asskisser) who does he think he is? Sending one uomo (Man) against a hundred of mine!"
Liam looks the man up and down for a minute before chuckling lowly. This was very amusing to him, since Fiorelli underestimated him greatly. He couldnt wait to see his face before he would shoot him in the head. Rushmore had warned him that Fiorelli was a though guy to deal with, now Liam saw why.
He suddenly feels someone approaching from behind. Or better said a few someones. He found himself surrounded by a big group of Fiorellis followers, all of them pointing guns at him, ready to shoot.
"You know Mr. Fiorelli,", Liam starts nonchalantly as if he wasnt bothered at all,"im simply here to do my job. I have nothing personal against you, but your cockiness is really unnerving."
He hears gun safeties go off, which was his cue to duck and pull his own gun out as the first men started shooting. Liam rolls over taking cover behind an old car and occasionally shooting some of the man who were stupid enough to not take cover in time. He saw Fiorelli retreat into his car, waiting to be driven out of this mess. Liam sprints closer to that car, killing some of Fiorellis followers on the way. Shouting can be heared, words Liam didnt unterstand. He presses himself against the cold metal of the car, reloading his gun, but is suddenly attacked by one of the men left over, who had slipped his attention. The man charges towards Liam aiming and shooting, managing to hit him in the shoulder, with a bullet. Liam curses under his breath aims and shoots the attacker dead. He then, turns his head, holding his wound with one hand to put some pressure on it and stop the bleeding. The car Fiorelli was in suddenly rolls out of the warehouse attempting to get away.
"Fuck..", Liam growls while jumping into another car and starting the engine.
Fiorellis car was a good few hundred meters away but soon Liam manages to get closer to them again, dodging a few cars coming his way. Suddenly the men in the car start shooting his way, breaking the front window and sending the shatters flying into the car. Liam takes the gun, he threw onto the passenger's seat and starts shooting at the tyres of the car ahead in attempt to slow them down. The wound on his shoulder was still bleeding and the pain was increasing as the minutes pass by.
He soon was right next to Fiorellis car, they had reached a highway with almost no cars on the streets. The driver throws the steering wheel to the left in attempt to ram Liams car, which he succeeds at, throwing Liam off track. He growls in dissaproval, the wound on his shoulder was distracting him. The pain was clouding his mind. He moves closer to the car again managing to look inside and spot a pertrified looking Fiorelli on the passengers seat.
" Più Veloce !!! ", Liam hears Fiorelli scream, as the tyres of their car screech loudly.
" Si Signore!" , the driver retorts and increases in speed.
Liam laughs, he finally got him where he wanted, he could kill him easily now and make it look like an accident.
He takes his gun again and aims, not at the men but at the fuel tank on the back and shoots.
Liam pulls his car away immediately to not be thrown back by the impact the explosion would have. He sees the fire slowly crawl towards the front, while the men scream out in agony, attempting to get out, but failing miserably. Soon the whole car is engulfed in flames and no screaming can be heard.
Liam huffs out of exhaustion, getting out of the car and examining the mess. When he made sure that Fiorelli and his men were dead he pulls out his phone, dialling Rushmores number.
"Collins?", the business man's voice can be heared after a few rings.
"Its done.", Liam says coldly keeping his gaze on the burning car.
"Good. Perfect. Well done, Collins.", Rushmore retorts sounding busy.
"Im a call away if you need anything else.", Liam says before ending the call.
He needed to take care of his wound now. He had lost a big amount of blood already and he started to feel light headed. He gets back into the car and drives back into the city.
He didnt know where he could go, since Pablo still wasnt speaking to him and he couldn't go to the hospital, since he didnt want to spend a thousand dollars, just so they would fix a semi big bullet wound.
He sighs as he drives through a red light not thinking about where he was going. He needed to find some shelter, someone who would at least stitch him up so he would stop loosing so much blood. He needed to find someone fast.


"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. ", Maryha reads as Cecilia shifts in her seat. They were currently sitting on the veranda and Matha had agreed to reading Cecilia's favorite book for the uptenth time.
"Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase.", Martha continues, making Cecilia laugh, at the writers choice of words. "But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating.", Cecilias expression falls. She felt sad for that guy. He was desperatly in love with a girl, he couldnt have. She knew that feeling oh so well, thats why she loved that book.
"So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane." , Martha reads making Cecilia wipe away some fake tears and laugh.
"That was so beautiful.", Cecilia says in a shaky voice, which was also faked. Martha laughs.
"Okay im gonna stop reading now, my voice hurts ive read to you for more than 3 hours.", she exclaims making Cecilia awe.
"Aww, but i wanna hear more!", Cecilia whines as she hears the maid raise from her chair.
Cecilia closes her eyes enjoying the fresh breeze that blew into her face. Today was a nice day, not too warm but not too cold either.
Her father had gone to work earlier than normal, but Cecilia was in a good mood, so it didnt bother her much.
"Im gonna read you more tomo-", Martha starts but is suddenly cut off by Angelique, panting heavily as she reaches the two women.
Martha frowns, as she wondered why Angelique was coming from beyond the garden.
"There is a man...", she pants pointing over the garden," he's injured! He said he knows Cecilia!"
Cecilia raises from the hair, frowning.
"Did he say what his name was?", she asks, worry laced in her voice.
"No, no he lost consciousness almost immediately. Miss, we need to help him!", Angelique says. Cecilia nods eagerly. Take Freddy and Corey with you and bring him in. Martha can you please call Dr.Millhouse and tell him it urgent.", Cecilia instructs, entering the house with Martha while the two men and Angelique run towards the injured man.


Cecilia had insisted to put the man in her bed, since it was the most comfortable. The doctor, her personal doctor, had come immediately and was now stitching up his new patient. The man still hadnt come to his senses so nobody knew who he was.
"So...all done.", Millhouse says as he wraps up the mans shoulder with a bandage,"it was a nasty wound, he lost a lot of blood, but nothing too serious. All he needs is rest and hes good to go in a few days."
Cecilia smiles and nods.
"Thank you doc. You're an angel.", she says making the doctor chuckle.
"Thats my job, Cecilia. Nothing out of the ordinary.", he retorts and follows Angelique out of the room.
Cecilia turns her attention back to the man, who was lying before her. She was dying to know who he was. A few minutes earlier she had grabbed his hand and it had felt surprisingly familiar. She just couldn't put her finger on who's it was.
Suddenly she hears coughing and someone groan. She feels the man lifting out of the bed, but she places a hand on his chest and pushes him back into the pluffy pillows with little effort.
Its silent for a few seconds as Cecilia decides what question to ask first.
"Whats your name?", she finally manages to ask.
Liam looks at her and his breath hitches in his throat. He couldn't recall how he got here. He looks down at his shoulder and sees that it was already stitched up.
He looks back at Cecilia and smiles at the concern written on her face.
"Its Liam..", he finally says, his voice raspy.
Its silent again, as Cecilia lets the new information sink in. Finally a smile spreads across her face.
"Well...", she starts while handing him a glass of water, which he gladly accepts,"i guess we're even now."

Quote from 'Looking for Alaska'

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