Chapter 24: Flashbacks and Peaceful offerings

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Cecilia awakes at the soft sensation of Mark's lips on her neck.
"Good morning, beautiful.", she hears his raspy voice behind her ear making her turn around in his arms and snuggle her face deeper into his chest.
"Morning handsome.", she mumbles, sleep still laced in her voice.
They both chuckle as Mark continues to stroke her bare back.
"How are you feeling?", he asks between kisses that started traveling down her spine, making her giggle.
"I feel good.", she answers, ignoring the dull aching of her body and smiles at him.
He smiles at her, cupping her face in his hands and looking into her bright, beautiful eyes that werent able to see no longer.
"I love you.", he whispers brushing his lips against hers.... knowing that he maybe meant it once.
But not anynore.


"Hey!", Pablo yells snapping his fingers, "earth to Cecilia! Where'd your mind wander off to?"
"Hmmm.. What?", Cecilia mutters snapping out of her train of thought letting go of the spoon in her hand and making it fall back into the bowl of cereal.
"Whats up with you, querido ?", Pablo asks, pulling the chair back and sitting next to her, studying her closely.
"Oh Pablo, its you...", she huffs, continuing to eat her breakfast, "whats up?"
Pablo still eyes her but leans back in his chair lightning a cigarette.
"Well, im here to check up on you, querido . Since Liam just went out to....get some things.", Pablo answers, exhaling the grey cigarette smoke while speaking.
Cecilia scoffs, shaking her head and putting her spoon down once again.
"Look...Pablo...", she starts,"i know you don't particulary like me, for what reason whatsoever, so why are you here really ?"
Pablo looks at the woman infront of him, taken aback.
Suddenly he starts to chuckle.
"I dont hate you, querido.", he starts,"im just trying to look out for mi hijo . You cant hold that against me, can you?"
Cecilia smiles at that. Mi hijo. That means my son. Eventhough Liam lost his own parents, he had found one in Pablo, and that made her heart swell up in joy.
"You have every right to.", she answers smiling slightly.
Pablo smiles at her, throwing his cigarette away and standing up to his feet. He walks around towards the veranda, out of the kitchen. On his way he stops to pat her shoulder reassuringly.
"Dont over think everything, querido or you'll get wrinkles on your beautiful, young face.", he mutters and exits the kitchen soon after.
Cecilia chuckles but stops a second after, realizing that this was not the place nor the time to laugh at all.
She sighs standing up and putting the bowl into the sink and leaning onto the counter.
Its been six days since this man gave her this horrible choice. The choice that would change her life for the worse, that she knew.
At daylight she now found herself getting flashbacks of all the bad things that happened to her. At nights she was punished by nightmares of loosing the people she held most dear. She didnt know for sure, but she thought it to be the outcome of her anxiety as she always ended up sleeping in Liam's bed, because this was the only place she felt safe in.
Cecilia chuckles at that thought. A bitter chuckle.
She remembered a time where she felt safe, from breaking, in someone elses arms..... but he ended up being the one breaking her.
She knew, her and Liam didn't share such a relationship, but she kept wondering if he would do the same one day. If he was no different from Mark.

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