Chapter 23: A threatening Ultimatum

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Same day

"So that cabin is, in fact, yours?, Cecilia asks as Liam helps her get down from the river rock.
He hums in response. "It's ,in fact, still my parents', im just here because nobody else would take care of it.", Liam then answers while they walk down the stony pathway, hand in hand. Liam notices their intertwined hands and quickly lets go of her hand, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Umm..sorry.", he mutters making Cecilia laugh and take his hand back into hers.
"You've nothing to say sorry about. How else am i gonna find my way out of this godforsaken forest.", she scolds making Liam relax again and tighten his grip around her small, fragile hand,"also your hand is very rough....might wanna use a cream once in a while."
Liam shakes his head smiling. "Will do doc.", he retorts sarcastically while they climb down the rocky edges and land back on the forest ground.
"Lets go....left, check out whats there.", Cecilia instructs.
"Dont we wanna go home? We've been here all day. Im fucking hungry.", Liam complains,"also its almost dark. What is there to see?"
Cecilia groans tugging at his hand.
"Well, you could have waited a little longer until you decide to eat that sandwich...not eat it in the mere second we sat on that stupid rock.", Cecilia exclaims pulling him to the left, deeper into the woods,"we are going to see whats here and then i swear on Mr. Kuddles that I'll make it up to you, okay?"
Liam raises an eyebrow, finally giving in and walking behind her.
"Mr. Kuddles?", he questions amusement lacing his voice.
"Yes...Mr. Kuddles. My only and favorite stuffed animal. I got it on my 5th birthday...", Cecilia retorts and trails off in the end, a wave of nostalgia hitting her.
"Was that the ugly grey bunny in your room?", Liam asks, remembering, seeing her hold it in her hands in a few occasions.
Cecilia gasps dramatically. "Hes not ugly! You're ugly!"
Liam laugh out loud, frightening a few birds, who fly out of the trees, startled.
"That doesnt even work. You cant even see me!", he laughs.
She just scoffs and pinches his arm playfully.
"One can dream...fucker!", she taunts and they both laugh while walking further into the woods. Soon even the moonlight couldn't reach the forest floor and Liam had to squint his trained eyes to even make out a little bit of the scenery before him, while Cecilia went on with ease, orienting herself on the bypassing trees.
"Just a little bit further, and then we'll go back. Alright?", Liam asks in a pleading voice.
Cecilia chuckles and gives him a thumbs up.


Two hours earlier

Arkando looks around the almost empty room his damn brother had kept him locked in for more than two days. He continues moving his tied up arms against the chair in attempt to cut through the rope. He couldn't tell for sure, since he couldn't turn his head that far, but it was almost more than a half through.
Liams men had been "visiting" him on a regular basis, occasionally even bringing food with them while on other times they just mocked him to the point of insanity.
Arkando knew that his boss was definitely pissed by now, but Arkando wouldn't be Arkando if he didnt have a plan B or a plan C for that matter. All he needed to do was to get those ropes off his hands and soon his plan would take action.
He smirks as finally, after two days of scratching on that chair, the ropes fall loosely to the floor and allow him to move his arms freely.
He groans as he rubs his sore wrists and shoulders, while standing up from the chair, making sure no one heard.
It was finally time to act.

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