Yandere-Chan's last effort

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Before the doctor could do anything more with the knife I suddenly shouted.
A burst of power shot through my throat to be let out, I wasn't falling for this bitch.

She leaped forward to cover my mouth, but I was planning everything.
I reached up and yanked at her face mask, her arm getting in the way a second before I finally did it.

The face underneath however, wasn't yandere-Chans.
It was a girls, who had brown hair and green eyes, and looked like the sort of people who were thugs.
"Who are you?" I mattered as she stepped back angrily.
She didn't answer, just stared me up and down, then said
"She said you'd be prettier".
I was shocked at the insult, "who?" "Shut your hole kid" she interrupted "and come with me".
I stepped back, and then my world began to fuzz as I realised, I could actually die from blood loss, and I needed help.

What happened next was all in a blur.
I heard the door slam open and two people entering, but I was to injured to see them.
"Step back April!" One shouted but April lunged, killing the doctor with the knife.
I felt a tug on my shirt and then i was being dragged backwards out the room.
Then I saw April.
She kicked the door down and was pointing the knife at the person holding me.
"Drop him!" She shouted and I felt myself collapsing to the floor.
April lunged anyway, and more blood was splattered down my clothes and neck. I shivered.
April smiled.
"This may be a bit weird Josh, but it's my orders, now come with me" and she grabbed my hands and carried me over her shoulder.

The ground was spinning as she carried me away from the room and out the front door.

Somehow I hadn't passed out for the whole journey and I found myself being put gently on the floor.
Then I saw her yet again.

I moaned as her presence sickened me, I fought I would never see her again.
She stood there like the crazy women that she was.

"Hello josh" she said proudly and I felt something being put on my arm and a spread of relief.
"I fucking saved you senpai!" She said and I felt her warm lips go on to mine in a kiss, that I couldn't reject.
"Love me" she moaned "it's all I ever asked for"
Suddenly I heard police sirens, they had found her.
"Say it Josh!" She quickly said
"Let me know, that you actually loved me, I can die happily, knowing that my senpai noticed me"
I smirked, she expected me to forgive her
"No yandere-Chan" I relied "you've been horrible from the start. Everything you did was for nothing, I will never love you, no one will".

I heard Yandere-Chan cry as the police dragged her away and then some of them helped me to my feet.

I watched as Yandere-Chan was shot by the police,
With that last fought, of me, rejecting her, flowing through her brain.
All I cared about, was that it was all over now.
No more deaths.
Or yandere-Chan.

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