There Was A Murder

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If the school cleaner hadn't fond the blood, it would of been confirmed, that poppy was a lier and case closed.

However she did..

I was watching yandere-Chan at the time, she had sat on a bench near mine terrified, I almost felt sorry for her, but I was depressed.

'First day back at school and someone had done a prank, poppy in fact and scared everyone, however it was strange that as soon as yandere-Chan joined the school, things have changed, poppy has never told a lie, she was always good, had yandere changed her ways, and what ever happened to Meku after following yandere? What did yandere show her?'

There was so many questions need answering.

I felt someone looking at me and turned to see yandere-Chan lying on her bench staring straight at me smiling. She saw I was looking and quickly sat up straight pretending like it never happened, but I saw it.

I looked forward again "she's acting strange" I whispered but I knew she could hear me.

I spotted a teacher and a cleaner talking, the cleaner was doing mad hand gestured which meant she was over reacting, but it looked like the case wasn't closed, and she was dragging it on but why wasn't it confirmed that there was no murder?

I got up and headed over to them to close it.

As I passed yandere-Chan I heard her whisper something but I ignored it.

I got to them and heard the cleaner say "blood, come see I swear I saw a patch of blood" the teacher nodded.

"Is everything alright?" I said as I reached them

"Yes Josh" the teacher replied "the cleaner just has to show me something"

"Can I come, I can help?" I begged dying to know if this was actual murder

"I'm afraid Josh we're sending the student's home until we confirmed if it is or not, we can't have people at school if there's a murderer running around"

"Please miss, I'm interested and my parents are at work"

The cleaner exchanged looks with me and spoke before the teacher could "Josh has help us in the past vick" she helped me

"Fine" the teacher said but the others must go home.

- in the gym -

We entered carefully and looked about, the teacher and the cleaner had both brought torches. "If we see anything we go to it, if it's the murderer we call the police"

Me and the cleaner nodded.

"In here" the cleaner whispered and lead us through double doors into a storage room.

It was very small and cramped but big enough to commit a murder.

"I was cleaning in here when I spotted this" she pointed next to a big black guitar case.

I looked carefully and spotted a patch of blood next to the lock.

"Blood" I breathed "sure is" replied the teacher "this can only mean one thing" and she grabbed hold of the lock of the case and yanked it open.

And there lay Meku's body curled up and none moving corvered in blood.

A lump tightened in my throat and I felt like I was gonna cry "Meku...."

Meku had been my best friend from primary and a cheerful lovely person. She was my only friend as I was heavily billed, and I even swore she had a crush on me.

She was so delightful that seeing her dead in this case brought pain into me.

I wiped away a tear as the cleaner lifted her out of the case and put her on the ground.

They turned her over and spotted a knife hole in her neck where blood was still smudged over.

"Killed by a knife" the teacher said sadly "and we have no evidence who did this".

We all sat in silence staring at Meku body intil the police came and carried her body away.

"Thank you cleaner, without you we would of never of found this and there would still be a murder but now we have the police, and the murderer will be caught"

The cleaner nodded "and we must thank poppy, for raising this case of an even murder but I think it's been confirmed, there was a murder. Josh go home sweaty" I got up from the floor as the cleaner began cleaning up the blood in the case and on the floor "miss" I stopped the teacher "can I talk to you in your office, I have something interesting that, you need to know about this, I think I know who did the murder"...

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