C13: Poor Louise!

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Hannah woke up one night in the middle of the holidays to hear coughing and spluttering across the hallway. She rubbed her eyes and threw off her covers.

Hannah opened the door and felt her way blindly across the hallway and walked into Louise's room.

Louise was sitting up in bed, coughing her lungs up. She was pale and had bags under her eyes.

"Hannah." She managed to croak out between coughs. Hannah went to the bed on her crutches and picked Louise up. She carried Louise on her back down the stairs and into the kitchen (which is a very difficult task when you have a broken leg).

Hannah set Louise down on the bench as she cuddled her teddy bear and coughed some more. She poured her a glass of water and turned the kettle on. Louise drank the water while Hannah looked for cough medicine and Panadol. She found some Androcles Louise to have it. Then Hannah made a honey lemon drink and Louise loved it.

Unfortunately with all the noise Kylie had woken up and come into the kitchen.

"What's going on? Why all this racket?"

"Louise is very sick, mum." Hannah whispered. A fretful look passed across Kylie's face. She touched Louise's forehead and cringed.

"She's burning up."

"I know. We should see a doctor in the morning."

"Yes. We shall."


The next day Kylie and Hannah took Louise to the doctor. She inspected her and confirmed that Louise had a fever.

"But not a bad one, I hope?" Asked Kylie.

"No, but it will take a while for her to get over it. Here is some medicine. She must have it twice a day."

"Thank you, doctor."

"My pleasure. Get well soon sweetie, and rest. Here's a little prize for you for being so brave." The doctor handed the pale Louise a lollipop. She smiled.

"Thank you, mrs doctor."

"That's ok, sweetie. Run along now."


Louise was sick for several weeks and could not go back to school. When the older girls returned to school, they were still worried about Louise.

Hey guys what's up? Isn't Louise cute? If u want a dedication pls vote and comment and u might get one! Thnx, Chloe

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