Chapter 29

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I'm not even going to say I'm not surprised but I'm not. Christopher has gone missing for now two weeks. I knew that after our heated conversation he wasn't going to show his face. What I said probably hurt him and what he said hurt me as well because I know that it was the truth. I know that I'm putting this mask on. I just want a new beginning and I was hoping nobody would notice but he seemed to look right through me. Let's just say school hasn't exactly been the same for me as well. All of my friends think I've changed and I'm more distant now. Apparently I'm not as sharp and witty as I used to be before. From all of them I expected Leo to stick by my side but he didn't, he turned away from me and the feeling of déjà vu hit me. When they divided up from me Leo looked sad. It's like he wanted to stick up for himself and for me but he didn't...he walked away instead.

"What world are you lost in?" Breaking out my thoughts I look over at Christian who is eating grapes. He has his arm around my shoulder as we are sitting on our bench outside.

"The world of my thoughts" I reply back. He lets out a chuckle causing his chest to vibrate against my back. Let's just say when Jackson found out me and Christian were dating he was super pissed off. He even took a swing at Christian warning him that if he hurts me he'll have to go through more of that. Brothers will be brothers. Christian took the message well enough and hasn't done anything to me.

"When are you going to reply back to me without being sarcastic?" He asks with amusement.

"Sarcasm is a second language so it all comes naturally" Leaning my head against his chest I look at my untouched food. For the first time since mum died I actually feel safe in someone else's arms.

"Come on Julie, what's the matter?" Christian makes me face him with a frown on his face.

"Have I changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have I changed in these last few weeks?" I ask him clearly.

"I guess so, I mean you've been much quieter" He says. Letting out a sigh I just look at the clouds in the sky.

"My friends don't like me anymore, they go I've changed" He rolls his eyes at my response and pulls me back in his arms.

"Well they're stupid. Look, if it makes you feel any better a lot of people change but for the best of it. I mean look at me. When you first met me I was a right prick but then I met you..." I feel myself forming a smile at his word. "I can feel you smiling" He says. This time I end up laughing at his words and wrap myself tighter in his arms.

"You always find a way to make me happy"

"I'll take that as a good thing then. Do you want to talk about the real reason why you're so quiet?"

"It's my mum's death. I thought that I would be able to get over it but I just realised that I can't. I lost my friends because I kept my distance from everyone back home and I guess I just wanted a fresh start. I wanted to show people that I'm not scared or lonely. I wanted to show everybody that I'm fine but I guess that I'm not and I don't think I'll be able to get over it. I'm losing my friends again and that isn't what I want"

"I will stay by your side no matter what happens" Christian says into my hair before kissing me.

"What happened to you being a bad boy?" I ask as a joke. He laughs and pinches my cheek for me.

"I was never a bad boy, I just hate following the rules"


"Christopher I swear to God if you don't come out I'm going to kill you" I scream into the room. I just recently found out that my room is sound proof so I can scream as loud as I want. It would have been useful if Granddad told me that before. I still questioned granddad about the time I screamed and everybody came in the room. He goes that he had to check on you because he knew Christopher was coming so he set up a fake scream of a girl and everybody thought it was me. Leave it all to granddad to tell you this stuff for last. I end up letting out a scream when Christopher pops out of nowhere.

"Christopher you look like shit" I blurt out. He really does. He looks skinner than before and I can see a few of his bones sticking out. He has the worst dark circles as they just stare at me.

"I..I'm dying" He confesses. Walking towards him I inspect his face.

"Do you want to drink my blood?" I offer him. He shakes his head as a no and braces himself against the wall for support. Placing my hand on his arm I wait for him to speak.

"The blood that you gave me earlier never worked" Oh my God that means he really is dying.

"Where did you go Christopher, where do you go when you're not here?" I ask him.

"I go to visit my family" His family, how does he manage to visit his family? "They're dead" He cuts in taking in the confusion on my face. I nod my head as an ok and just continue to look at him.

"Are you married because you look old enough to be married?"

"Yes. My family is my wife" He weakly brings his left arm up and I look at the silver band on his ring which I didn't seem to notice before. Here he is in the human world...I wonder what his wife has to go through without him.

"How long have you got left?" I ask in a whisper. I don't personally know Christopher but I consider him a friend, my friend. Watching him die isn't one of the best things on my list.

"I..." He stops speaking and suddenly goes still.

"Christopher what happened?" He falls to the floor with his body shaking. Oh no, what's happening to him. I panic and go down beside him. "Christopher talk, what happened?" I start to feel warmness against the palms of my hand which was coming from Christopher. Looking down I gasp in shock as I see blood coming out of his arms, leg...everywhere! "Christopher"

"I'm dying" He says softly.

"No you can't be dying. Not like have to drink something, anything" I feel a tear roll down my eye as I look at his state. He looks like he's at peace, how can he be at peace right now?! "Christopher not like this, you can't go like this" He looks over at me with a small smile spreading on his face.

"I...I saw your" He mutters. A sob escapes my mouth as I take in his words. "She...she s.a...-id that she l..oves you and sh..e's looking upon you. She s-"

"Don't speak Christopher, save your energy"

"She said to let go. She loves you all" Christopher lets out a loud breath as his eyes roll back.

"CHRISTOPHER YOU CAN'T GO!" I need to find granddad. Taking my hands off him I run out of my room screaming granddad's name. I don't care who hears me, I just need to find granddad.

"Juliet...oh my God is that blood on your hands?" Jade asks with shock as she takes in my state.

"Jade where's granddad?" I ask her.

"Juliet" Granddad walks towards me and I take hold of the sleeve of his arm.

"You need to come with me" I ignore Jade's presence and take granddad to my room locking it behind me.

"Oh my God" He walks towards Christopher's dead body and kneels down next to him. "Juliet he's dead"

"You have to bring him back granddad, he doesn't deserve this" I say to him. Granddad gets up and pulls me in for a hug as I cry on his chest.

"This is his death...he's not holding back anymore. He's moved on to a better place Juliet"

"Is this the end granddad?"

"It truly is"

It is now the end of Ghostly Blood. I had a lot of fun writing about the Evers family and I hope you liked this ending. It's not exactly the best ending but it's the way it was supposed to be. I hope you liked Juliet's journey in finding the people which are truly there for her and what she should take for granted. Vote, comment and share this story. Thank you!! :)

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