Chapter 21

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I wanted to hide underneath my bed but I know that I have to stay strong. I know that it's my turn; it's my turn to be scared and whatnot. The information the man gave me wasn't very good but it's good enough to warn me. This man is dangerous, he's very dangerous and I need to know what's he's capable off. He must be pretty scary if he scared Jackson and dad out. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday; I can stay up as long as I want.

Looking over at my alarm clock I notice that its two am and this is the exact time when dad, Jade and Jackson got scared. Clutching the covers closer to me I lean my back against the headboard and look around the room waiting for someone to appear. I closed all of my windows and locked my room door so this man won't be able to come in. Where is he...did he find out that I know? Well, that's impossible, I never saw anyone when I was talking to that man from what I know off.

A sudden gust of wind hits my right cheek as I bolt up straight in the bed with my heart rate pumping. What the hell was that? Looking in the direction of the wind I see the air blank and the window's closed. It's just's just me. I try to relax my breathing my taking deep breaths.

"It's just you Juliet, it's nobody else" I say to myself out loud. Closing my eyes my heartbeat begins to return to its normal pace which I'm glad open. Opening them back up I find myself letting out a loud scream. "Who the hell are you?!" I scream at the face in front of me. His eyes...his icy blue eyes were the first thing I noticed and then it was his pale skin.

"Juliet...that's a pretty name" He says darkly. I jump up from my bed backing up into the wall as I stare at him, he was crouched on my bed where I once lay as his never leave mine. How did I not notice him get on the bed and where did he even come from?

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him yet again. He doesn't move from his spot and nor does his blink his eyes as they stay glued to mine. "I...I know that you knew my mum" I find myself saying. In a blink of an eye I find him standing right in front of me with his hand around my throat.

"I should be asking you the same question...who the hell are you?" He asks me. I feel a few tears slip from my eyes as his hand goes around my throat.

"I know that my granddad knows about you and he won't tell us about you either. Where did you come from?" I ask him trying to breath and speak as normal as I can. His eyes go on mine yet again as he pushes me further into the wall. Slowly his eyes move down as they begin to examine me. They land on my neck as he licks his lips.

"You have a pretty neck" He compliments me.

"Let me go!" I shout into his face. Before he responds back I hear the handle of the door jiggle as there are loud bangs on the door. I let out a breath of relief and push the man of me. "You're going to rot in jail you asshole" I run towards the door and quickly unlock it to see Jackson and dad barging in.

"What happened?" Dad asks taking in my state. I wrap my arms around dad's waist and lay my head on his chest.

"He's right there dad, he...he just came out of nowhere" I tell him pointing to the corner of the room without looking.

"Juliet....nobody's here" Jackson says from across the room. Letting go of dad I look up to see the man's not there...where did he go?

"He..he was here I swear to you. Look....he left bruises on my neck" I tell him. The lights switch on as I let Jackson examine his fingerprints on my neck. Jackson's eyes burn fury as he bangs my wall.

"What did he look like?" Dad asks me. I look back at dad to realise Jade and granddad standing there as well.

"He...he had really light blue eyes and he..he was really pale. He had a shadow growing on his face and his hair was all over the place" The whole time I keep my gaze on granddad who doesn't even flinch from my description. Why isn't he doing anything, what is he trying to hide? "Granddad, this has happened to all of us. Me, dad, Jackson and Jade...what is going on?" Granddad walks towards me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing like this has ever happened before but if it satisfies all of you, I will call the police and have them carry out a check" He assures me. I immediately nod my head at his words.

"I think that's a good idea" Jade says eagerly.

"Yeah it is. We'll catch this guy"

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