The lucky girl (Harry styles fanfic)

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Hi my name is Kassie Payne. Im 16 and my brother is Liam Payne and hes 18. My mom died while giving birth to me. My dad love me and Liam to death. He would do anything for us. One day when I was 10 and Liam was 12 we went to the park. My dad gave me money for the ice cream man well so I thought It was an ice cream man.

I walked up to him and told him I wanted a chocolate ice cream cone. He said " Oh I will give you my cone". He took my hand. He was about to place my in his car when my dad started to him. The man took out a gun and shoot my dad in the heart. The man drove of in his car. I fell on my knees and started to cry my eyes out. I knew he was dead. Then Liam came and hold me close to his chest.

After all that's happened me and Liam were put in foster homes. They didn't want to split us up so until he was 18 we could leave the horrible place. About 2 mouth later Liam and I bought a small apartment. Liam got a job at an office place. I was always at home alone mostly on my phone or cleaning or something reading. But the thing I love to do is to write songs and sing them. I wrote these song on my guitar.

One day I was on my guitar just playing some note when Liam burst though the door. " Kassie I need to tell you something" " Im going to audition on The X Factor". I knew Liam had an awesome voice. He audition before the people in the foster house let him audition before but he got out on the judges homes. " Im so happy for you Liam". " But wait im I going to stay here by myself?" " No your coming with me and your going to get a job on The X Factor!" " You know one of those people that do whatever they need to do like help the people that are auditioning". " You mean like a slave." " Come on Kassie its not that bad beside we need money to pay rent and the bills." "Fine"


I hope you like it. I'll maybe update later


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