Chapter 15: Practice Makes Perfect (Part 4)

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Julie got up early again the next morning. This time she told her mom that she was heading out to the coffeehouse for breakfast.

On a Sunday at seven in the morning, the island was eerie. No cars were out, and the sound of her moped echoed.

Julie pulled up to the shop. Even it was closed until eight. She looked at her watch: Seven-thirty.

She glanced across the street. The brick building was quiet. She drummed her fingers on the moped. All the windows were dark, and she didn't feel as if it was watching her. The building was asleep.

Glancing down the street, she saw that there was no one sitting at the café yet. She could rev up her moped and drive across the bridge. Were there guards on the other side? She didn't want to lose her one chance to escape whatever all this was, but she also didn't want to give herself away if she tried. She wasn't even sure she was ready to try or what she would do if she succeeded. She had no money or clothes. If she was going to attempt that, she needed to plan better.

Julie tapped her fingers again. If she went to the gym now, she risked seeing Rory. Her heart raced at the thought of him. She had no idea when, or even if, he would show up again. She did not want to wait around for any guy. Especially one that made out with her all afternoon, told her she was special, and then said vaguely that he would see her "soon."

Before she lost her nerve, she hopped off the moped and ran across the street. Unlike yesterday, her skin didn't prickle. When she reached the alleyway between the building and the store next to it, she let out a breath.

There were no doors or windows along here. But there was a dumpster, and holding her breath from the smell, she climbed up the side to peek in. She found papers and normal trash. She hopped down and walked quickly up the alleyway. It stretched way back. The building was large from the front, but it looked like it stretched back as far on the sides.

That's when she saw it—a door leading into the building, and it was propped open. She looked around for whoever may have left it that way, but there was no one. Were they inside?

Julie crept to the door, listening for footsteps. When she got to the door, she opened it slowly and peaked inside. It was a storage room, like she'd expect in an office building. No one was around, so she slipped in.

Her breath caught as she heard a door open on the other side.

"The delivery is late again." A man's voice said.

"It's the bridge. Having to meet someone over there and haul it across takes a long time. I wish we could let them deliver over here." Another man answered.

"I know."

She ducked behind a few stacked boxes. Her heart was beating fast. There was no way anyone would believe she got lost if they caught her hiding behind these boxes. She sucked in a breath and willed her body to go into tingly mode so she wouldn't slip by accident. She wished she could see who was talking. They both sounded young.

"Is the café open yet? We could go have breakfast while we wait."

"Sure. Let's go see. We can see them drive across from there anyway."

"Working here during the year sucks. I know everyone does it, but I would rather be at the beach right now."

The other person snorted. "I agree."

Julie heard the door outside close. Were those boys from the other school? The room was too dark now to see anything. She fumbled with her bag, trying to find her phone under her notebook, ignoring the thoughts of alien arms reaching to grab her in the darkness. She turned it on so she could see where she was walking.

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