Part 18 and Part 19

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Part 18: Beeeep! I jump at the sounds of someone honking at me. Whoops. I must have been so into the song I didn't realize the light was green! The lady drives around me and I wave my hand at her in a 'sorry' motion as she gives me a nasty look. Why are people so serious these days? Nobody wants to loosen up and have fun. As I forgot the whole thing instantly, I began to sing and dance again. Before I know it, I've arrived at Whole Foods! I stared at the sign in awe. I love this store so much, I really do. They just have the best food, the best employees, and of course, the best prices!! I park and get out of the car and start walking in when I hear "Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!"

Part 19: I spin around attempting to find where the voice was coming from. It got closer. "Carrie!!" I looked down and this adorable little girl was standing in front of me. She had short curly blonde hair, the color of mine and eyes as blue as the ocean. "Carrie!" She shouted excitedly in her cute little voice. "I can't believe it's really you! Can you sign my shoe? Sorry I don't have my cd!...and can we take a picture?" She was so cute I couldn't resist! "Of course sweetie!!" She slipped off her shoe and I signed it. "I've never signed a shoe before! How cool!," I said smiling at her. She yelled, "Yay! My shoe is the first ever to get signed by Carrie Underwood!!" We took the picture next. "Thank you so much Carrie, I love you!!", the little girl shouted at me as she walked away. "Bye! You're welcome cutie! Love you too!!" The smile on her face was priceless. It made me feel so good! As If I thought I couldn't be in anymore of a happier mood, if made my day even better!

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